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Bodyguerra - 'Latin Lover' (Gianna Nannini cover)

Bodyguerra - Latin Lover
Η Gianna Nannini είναι Ιταλίδα τραγουδίστρια και τραγουδοποιός. "Βαδίζει" το 71ο έτος της ηλικίας της και δισκογραφεί από το 1976 (βλ. το ομώνυμο ντεμπούτο της) μέχρι και τις ημέρες μας (με πιο πρόσφατο το περσινό album "Sei nel l'anima"). Το 1984 κυκλοφόρησε ο πέμπτος "ολοκληρωμένος" της δίσκος υπό τον τίτλο "Latin Lover".

Το ομότιτλο τραγούδι ενέπνευσε τους Bodyguerra, οι οποίοι μας παρουσιάζουν την δική τους προσέγγιση. Bodyguerra: Γερμανικό hard rock συγκρότημα, το οποίο σχηματίσθηκε πριν από δεκατρία έτη από τον κιθαρίστα Guido Stoecker. Υπάρχει μία ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία σχετικά με το όνομα (Bodyguerra) και η μπάντα μας εξηγεί πως (και γιατί) το επέλεξε:

«The band took their name from a Spanish mare, a Baroque horse from Majorca, which was called “Body”. Someone misspelled her name “Bodeguerra” and wrote it down in the stable’s register as “Body-Guerra.” Guido read it and liked it. Hence, in 2010, he called his newly found band Bodyguerra.»

Δελτίο τύπου: «Bodyguerra releases cover version of the rock anthem "Latin Lover" by Gianna Nannini. The German rock band Bodyguerra is pleased to announce the release of their latest project: "Latin Lover", originally performed by the Italian rock legend Gianna Nannini.

The song first appeared in 1982 on Nannini's album of the same name and has been considered a classic of rock music ever since. Bodyguerra are working on new songs and have gotten none other than producer legend Siggi Bemm on board.

The recordings will take place in the renowned Woodhouse Studio in Hagen, which has already hosted great acts such as Kreator, Tiamat and Sodom. Guitarist Guido Stoecker is delighted to be working with Siggi Bemm: "Working with Siggi in the studio is a real privilege for us.

His sense of sound and production gives our songs a new dimension". With their unique interpretation of "Latin Lover", Bodyguerra pay tribute to the original version while adding their own musical touch. The band is known for their energetic performances and ability to breathe new life into classic rock songs.

The original album "Latin Lover" marked the beginning of Gianna Nannini's collaboration with German producer Conny Plank and featured contributions from prominent guest musicians such as Annie Lennox, Jaki Liebezeit and Annette Humpe.

It reached gold status in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and platinum in Italy. Bodyguerra hope to enthuse both long-time fans of the original and new listeners with their version of "Latin Lover.»

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