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Todd Michael Hall - 'Lonely' (Crimson Glory live vocal cover)

She awakens from a dream to a silent room
where shadows speak of memories
Another sleepless night
afraid to face the day

It seems so long ago she shared the love
she feels so deep inside
Her love will never die
but still she feels so lonely...
Lonely in Love

She wakes up to another day
with everything going wrong
She wonders where she would be
if she had ever seen his face

She turns on the radio
but it's playing that same old song
She's pouring another drink
to drown away the memory of it all

She can't wait another night
Take another day
She doesn't want to be

Lonely in Love

There's a feeling she can't explain
that no one can understand
She just needs to get away
but there's nowhere that she can go
Tomorrow's so far away
She's longing for yesterday
If she could just turn back time
She wants to leave the world behind

She can't wait another night
Take another day
She doesn't want to be
Lonely in Love

The night will fade, the sun will shine
a new day
And light the way for you to find
New Love

Crimson Glory - Transcendence (album)
Ο Todd Michael Hall έγινε γνωστός στο "μεταλλικό" κοινό λόγω της παρουσίας του στους Riot V (τα τελευταία ένδεκα έτη). Παράλληλα έχουμε ακούσει την φωνή του σε δίσκους των Jack Starr's Burning Starr, Timo Tolkki's Avalon, Reverence κλπ.

Παράλληλα "τρέχει" και την προσωπική του καριέρα, στην οποία προστέθηκε ένας ακόμη δίσκος. "Off the Rails" ο τίτλος και "βγήκε" στην "καρδιά" του περασμένου φθινοπώρου. Στο πλευρό του Todd ο κιθαρίστας (των Metal Church, Presto Ballet κλπ) Kurdt Vanderhoof.

Σήμερα θα τον παρακολουθήσουμε, σε βίντεο, να αποδίδει (φωνητικά) το τραγούδι των Crimson Glory "Lonely" και να μας λέει σχετικά:

«In 1984, my brother Rick introduced me to Queensryche by playing their EP for me. I fell in love Geoff Tate's voice and bought The Warning, which was released just before my 15th birthday. I overdosed on the album, observing what seemed like every nuance of Geoff's performance.

On December 11th, 1984, I saw Queensryche live opening for KISS at Wendler Arena in my hometown, Saginaw, Michigan. I still own the tee shirt I bought at the show, which you see me wearing in the video. Geoff's live performance was mind-blowing.

I fancied myself a singer, but I had lost my high voice when I went through puberty. It was by singing along to Geoff and some other great singers from the 80's that I learned how to use my head voice.

Take Hold Of The Flame holds a special place in my heart, because the high note at the end of the intro is the first head voice note I learned how to sing with my new-found head voice.

To record this live vocal cover, I made six full attempts over three recording sessions until I had a performance I thought was worthy of sharing.

I normally use a reflection filter to prevent my voice from bouncing off the walls and back into the microphone, but that wouldn't make for a good video, so please forgive the extra slap back on the vocals.

I recorded this live vocal cover for fun and to entertain some friends, but mostly as a way to pay homage to Geoff Tate and his amazing voice which was such a big influence on me. Thank you for the inspiration Geoff.»

Το (υπέροχο) τραγούδι "Lonely" το γνωρίσαμε ως μέρος του εκπληκτικού δίσκου των Crimson Glory "Transcendence" (το δεύτερο τραγούδι της δεύτερης πλευράς) που κυκλοφόρησε τον Νοέμβριο του 1989. Παράλληλα "βγήκε" (η αποκαλούμενη Re-Mix εκδοχή του για την ακρίβεια) και αυτόνομα ως single (το επτάιντσο είχε το "In Dark Places" στην δεύτερη πλευρά του βινυλίου και το δωδεκάιντσο το "Dream Dancer" ως τρίτο τραγούδι).

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