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Mean Mistreater - 'Killer Red' (official audio)

Mean Mistreater - Do or Die
Νέο συγκρότημα οι Mean Mistreater. Σχηματίσθηκαν προ διετίας (το 2023) στην πρωτεύουσα του Τέξας. Heavy metal συγκρότημα με γυναικεία φωνητικά (Janiece Gonzalez). Μας παρουσιάστηκαν το 2023 με το single "Bleeding the Night".

Ο "πρώτος" ολοκληρωμένος" δίσκος τους φέρει τον τίτλο "Razor Wire" και "βγήκε" πέρυσι, τον Φεβρουάριο του 2024, με τον διάδοχό του να βρίσκεται προ των πυλών. Τιτλοφορείται "Do or Die" και αναμένεται σε λίγες ημέρες (21 Φεβρουαρίου 2025) σε cd, βινύλιο και ψηφιακή μορφή μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Dying Victims Productions...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Hot on the heels of their heralded debut album, Razor Wire - originally self-released in early 2023, but released internationally by Dying Victims later that summer - Mean Mistreater return with their second full-length, Do or Die.

Their debut served as a declaration of intent, showcasing a sound that is both feral and refined. Rejecting the confines of conventional labels like “female-fronted” or “NWOTHM”, Mean Mistreater here assert their identity as a powerful collective, committed to pushing the boundaries of traditional heavy metal.

With their uncompromising attitude and undeniable skill, they stand out in a crowded genre, ready to carve out their own place in the heavy metal landscape. The songwriting is largely unchanged on Do or Die - classic metal melded with retro hard rock, with foremost influences being Warlock, Chastain, and early W.A.S.P. - but Mean Mistreater’s execution is off the charts here.

Urgent, passionate, like street-walking cheetahs with hearts full of napalm, the Texas natives fire off one rough ‘n’ ready anthem after another here, keeping that songwriting short / sharp / shocked. Indeed, it’s difficult to find a record this concise - eight songs in 27 minutes - that also feels so complete.

It’s fair to say, then, that this blazing band is firing on every cylinder as they ascend the traditional metal ladder, leaving audiences hungry for more of their unapologetic sound and intoxicating live shows. Proving that they’re no flash in the pan, with Do or Diedo Mean Mistreater continue to build on their early success, delivering the intense and captivating music that fans have come to expect from them.»

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