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Within Silence - 'Divine Power' (official music video)

Brace yourself! Believe your dreams!
Heed the guidance of The Prince of Peace!
Divine power will heal your soul and broken heart
Just keep the faith inside
See the beams of shining rays of sun
Come on! Listen to the deepest voice of your heart!

I've been dreaming but they've crippled my mind
Shades of darkness obscure my desires
Do I wander? Am I lost in time?
Will I fall or will I rise?

Am I searching?
Am I turning?
I'm coming home

My gatekeeper is always there
He wants to guide me as I search for my desires
Will I find them? Will he take my hand?
Will he save me from the damned?

It is goodwill
It brings freedom
I'm coming home

Within Silence - The Eclipse of Worlds
Το 2008 σχηματίσθηκαν στην Σλοβακία οι Rightdoor. Έξι χρόνια αργότερα μετονομάσθηκαν σε Within Silence. Μπάντα μελωδικού power metal η οποία έχει κυκλοφορήσει τρία full length albums (συν κάποια singles). Το τρίτο και πλέον πρόσφατο φέρει τον τίτλο "The Eclipse of Worlds" και "βγήκε" προ μηνός...

Δελτίο τύπου: «After many years of hard work, Within Silence are now finally back with their third album "The Eclipse of Worlds". The guys set out to write and record their most epic, memorable and uplifting album so far and when you hear the album we believe you will agree that they succeeded!

On the album, you'll find everything from fast and uplifting melodic power metal hymns like "Battle Hymn" and "Divine Power" to the atmospheric ballad "Storyline," as well as the powerful and epic title track. The majestic album closer, "When Worlds Collide," clocks in at over 12 minutes and may well be the best song Within Silence has released to date.

The album was produced and recorded in Slovakia by the band with the support of Jan Cvercko and Jan Kubas. The band enlisted Matt Smith from Theocracy to handle the mixing and Jacob Hansen for mastering. After their expert contributions, it’s safe to say this is Within Silence’s best-sounding album to date, showcasing a production quality that perfectly complements the songs.

"The Eclipse of Worlds" is a powerful and uplifting power metal album that will appeal to fans of melodic power metal and heavy metal and bands like Stratovarius, Theocracy, Power Quest and Majestica!»

Band: Within Silence
Country of origin: Slovakia
Location: Košice
Formed in: 2014
Genre: Power Metal
Lyrical themes: Religion
Years active: 2008-2014 (as Rightdoor), 2014-present

Video: "Divine Power"
Video Directed and Edited by: Julius Kmak
Produced by: Last Men Standing Pictures

Album: "The Eclipse of Worlds"
Type: Full length
Release date: December 6th, 2024
Label: Ulterium Records
Format: CD, Vinyl, Digital

Track listing:
01. Land of Light
02. Divine Power
03. The Eclipse of Worlds
04. The Treason
05. Storyline
06. Battle Hymn
07. The Broken Thorn
08. The Mist
09. When Worlds Collide

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