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Ereb Altor - 'The Waves, The Sky And The Pyre' (audio)

Ereb Altor - Hälsingemörker
Μία δεκάδα δίσκων θα συμπληρώσουν φέτος οι Ereb Altor. "Hälsingemörker" ο τίτλος και αναμένεται τον τελευταίο χειμωνιάτικο μήνα. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι στις ειδικές εκδόσεις του διπλού cd και του διπλού βινυλίου θα συμπεριληφθούν και τα τρία καλοκαιρινά singles ("Midvinter", "Skogsrået", "The Lake of Blood") που δεν "μπήκαν" τελικά στον δίσκο.

Οι Ereb Altor μας έρχονται από την Σουηδία. Δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από 22 έτη, χαρακτηρίζουν την μουσική τους ως «Scandinavian metal in the vein of Bathory» και έχουν κυκλοφορήσει εννέα full length albums, ένα demo, δύο EPs και κάποια singles...

Δελτίο τύπου: «From the mythical dark forests of Hälsingland, Ereb Altor rises again, weaving their Epic Viking Metal sound around stories from the old days of Scandinavia!

Expect nothing less than Ereb Altor’s blend of mythology, majestic riffs, and haunting atmospheres.

“Hälsingemörker” embraces the legends and mysticism of ancient Scandinavia, painting a sonic landscape that is both powerful and deeply immersive.

Sharp, epic melodies intertwined with folk elements, combined with intense vocal performances, both clean and harsh!

“Hälsingemörker” marks a new chapter for Ereb Altor, continuing their journey through the shadows of Hälsingland with some of their most epic songwriting yet.

The stunning artwork, created by Tomarúm av Christine Linde, perfectly complements the album’s athmosphere!»

Band: Ereb Altor
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Gävle, Gävleborg
Formed in: 2003
Genre: Epic/Viking Metal
Lyrical themes: Depression, Nature, Fantasy, Norse mythology
Years active: 2003-present

Audio: "The Waves, The Sky And The Pyre"
Album: "Hälsingemörker"
Type: Full length
Release date: February 7th, 2025
Label: Hammerheart Records
Format: CD, 2CD, 2 Vinyls, Digital

Track listing:
1. Valkyrian Fate
2. Hälsingemörker
3. Ättestupan
4. Vi Är Mörkret
5. Träldom
6. The Waves, The Sky and the Pyre
7. The Last Step

Band members:
Tord - Drums
Ragnar - Guitars, Vocals
Björn - Bass, Vocals
Mats - Vocals, Guitars

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