Vendel - 'Defender' (God Doom It Fest, Moscow)
Settled alone in grim lands
All the edge of endless woods
They sailed too long, they risked a lot
To follow then landmasters rule
They brought their daughters and sons
They landed at the shore
They took this land but soon the white sand
Will absorb spilled blood and gore
They proudly stood, they lived by their law
Soon they realized they were not alone
Sons of this land - Finnish tongue bjarms
Made mighty sorcery took weapons in arms
To kill these mean aliens,
To take their goods
To take back the land,
Be cruel and rude
But invaders from south
Disturbed their plans
Slavic tribes started
Conquest of this land
Tribe war began there’s
No allies and friends
Settlers fought mad
To defend what they had
No help from nowhere,
If they not who will care?
Even strength of their swords
Won’t defeat all these hordes!
But once's made a one
So masterly done
By old skilful hand
Can’t be broken or bend
The magnificent sword
Of sky steel and red gold
Sharpest blade like
Sea chained with sky!
Thirsty for blood
Damps the enemy flood
Foes lives it will take
Can’t be bend, can’t break
All the edge of endless woods
They sailed too long, they risked a lot
To follow then landmasters rule
They brought their daughters and sons
They landed at the shore
They took this land but soon the white sand
Will absorb spilled blood and gore
They proudly stood, they lived by their law
Soon they realized they were not alone
Sons of this land - Finnish tongue bjarms
Made mighty sorcery took weapons in arms
To kill these mean aliens,
To take their goods
To take back the land,
Be cruel and rude
But invaders from south
Disturbed their plans
Slavic tribes started
Conquest of this land
Tribe war began there’s
No allies and friends
Settlers fought mad
To defend what they had
No help from nowhere,
If they not who will care?
Even strength of their swords
Won’t defeat all these hordes!
But once's made a one
So masterly done
By old skilful hand
Can’t be broken or bend
The magnificent sword
Of sky steel and red gold
Sharpest blade like
Sea chained with sky!
Thirsty for blood
Damps the enemy flood
Foes lives it will take
Can’t be bend, can’t break
Τους Vendel τους "παρακολουθούμε" σχεδόν από τα ξεκινήματά τους. Τους είχαμε πρωτοπαρουσιάσει προ εξαετίας με αφορμή το ομώνυμο single - ep, με το οποίο μας συστήθηκαν. Συγκρότημα επικού heavy metal προερχόμενο εκ Ρωσίας. Μετά από εννέα έτη στο "κουρμπέτι" έφθασε (φέτος) η στιγμή για τον πρώτο "ολοκληρωμένο" τους δίσκο, "Out in the Fields", ο οποίος κυκλοφόρησε το περασμένο καλοκαίρι. Προ ημερών, στις 24 Νοεμβρίου 2024, οι Vendel εμφανίσθηκαν στο God Doom It Fest της Μόσχας και μεταξύ των τραγουδιών που απέδωσαν ήταν και το "Defender" το οποίο είχαμε γνωρίσει στο ομώνυμο single - ep του 2017...
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