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Todd Michael Hall - Take Hold Of The Flame (Live Vocal Cover)

We see the light of those who find
A world has passed them by
Too late to save a dream that's growing cold

We realize that fate must hide its face
From those who try
To see the distant signs of unforetold
Oh... oh, take hold

From a haze came a rage of thunder
Distant signs of darkness on the way
Fading cries scream of pain and hunger
But in the night the light will guide your way

So take hold of the flame
Don't you see life's a game
So take hold of the flame
You've got nothing to lose,
But everything to gain

Ride, to a place beyond our time
Reach, for the edges of your mind, and you are there
See, that the light will find its way
Back to a place where it will stay, make it stay

Throw down the chains of oppression that bind you
With the air of freedom the flame grows bright
We are the strong, the youth united
We are one, we are children of the light

So take hold of the flame
Don't you see life's a game
So take hold of the flame
You've got nothing to lose,
But everything to gain

Todd Michael Hall
Ο Todd Michael Hall έγινε γνωστός στο "μεταλλικό" κοινό λόγω της παρουσίας του στους Riot V (τα τελευταία ένδεκα έτη). Παράλληλα έχουμε ακούσει την φωνή του σε δίσκους των Jack Starr's Burning Starr, Timo Tolkki's Avalon, Reverence κλπ.

Σήμερα θα τον παρακολουθήσουμε, σε βίντεο, να αποδίδει (φωνητικά) το τραγούδι των Queensryche "Take Hold of the Flame" και να μας λέει σχετικά:

«In 1984, my brother Rick introduced me to Queensryche by playing their EP for me. I fell in love Geoff Tate's voice and bought The Warning, which was released just before my 15th birthday. I overdosed on the album, observing what seemed like every nuance of Geoff's performance.

On December 11th, 1984, I saw Queensryche live opening for KISS at Wendler Arena in my hometown, Saginaw, Michigan. I still own the tee shirt I bought at the show, which you see me wearing in the video. Geoff's live performance was mind-blowing.

I fancied myself a singer, but I had lost my high voice when I went through puberty. It was by singing along to Geoff and some other great singers from the 80's that I learned how to use my head voice.

Take Hold Of The Flame holds a special place in my heart, because the high note at the end of the intro is the first head voice note I learned how to sing with my new-found head voice.

To record this live vocal cover, I made six full attempts over three recording sessions until I had a performance I thought was worthy of sharing.

I normally use a reflection filter to prevent my voice from bouncing off the walls and back into the microphone, but that wouldn't make for a good video, so please forgive the extra slap back on the vocals.

I recorded this live vocal cover for fun and to entertain some friends, but mostly as a way to pay homage to Geoff Tate and his amazing voice which was such a big influence on me. Thank you for the inspiration Geoff.»

Το τραγούδι (το ποιο; Εεε, τον ύμνο ήθελα να πω) "Take Hold of the Flame" το γνωρίσαμε ως μέρος του εκπληκτικού δίσκου των Queensrÿche "The Warning" (το πρώτο τραγούδι της δεύτερης πλευράς) που κυκλοφόρησε τον Σεπτέμβριο του 1984. Τον ίδιο μήνα "βγήκε" και αυτόνομα ως single (με το "Nightrider" στην δεύτερη πλευρά του βινυλίου). Η μουσική σύνθεση και οι στίχοι του εν λόγω τραγουδιού ανήκουν στον Chris Degarmo και στον Geoff Tate.

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