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Witherfall - 'Opulent' (official music video)

The tides are turning, pulling you under
Depriving you of what's left...

Witherfall - Sounds of the Forgotten
Άκρως δραστήριοι δισκογραφικά μέσα στο 2024 οι Witherfall καθώς έχουν ήδη κυκλοφορήσει επτά (αν δεν μου έχει ξεφύγει κανένα) singles και έναν "ολοκληρωμένο" δίσκο ("Sounds of the Forgotten" 31 Μαΐου 2024) σε cd και διπλό βινύλιο μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας DeathWave Records. Πρόκειται για το τέταρτο full length album (έχουν επίσης ένα ep και μπόλικα singles) των Αμερικανών dark melodic metallers (όπως αποκαλούνται), οι οποίοι δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από μία... ενδεκάδα έτη!

Δελτίο τύπου: «Los Angeles-based dark melodic metal outfit Witherfall proudly presents their fourth full-length, “Sounds Of The Forgotten”, via DeathWave Records, advances Witherfall to legendary status with its epic, foreboding expanse.

The album is supported by an ambitious schedule of seven singles, each with an official video linking the album’s story of heartbreak, anger, and tenacity. This is genuinely Witherfall, always willing to go the extra mile to outclass the past.

Witherfall was formed in Los Angeles in 2013. Joseph Michael (also of Sanctuary fame) and Jake Dreyer (ex-Iced Earth / Demons & Wizards) built their new band around drummer Adam Sagan (RIP) and accomplished bassist Anthony Crawford (Allan Holdsworth, CHON).

Since then, the group have released three highly regarded albums: "Nocturnes And Requiems" (2017), "A Prelude To Sorrow" (2018), and "Curse Of Autumn" (2021) and an EP "Vintage" (2019).

Not one to cut corners, Witherfall enlisted famed drummer Marco Minnemann (The Aristocrats, Steven Wilson, Jordan Rudess) on "Curse Of Autumn", ensuring the foundations of singles 'As I Lie Awake', 'The Other Side Of Fear', and 'The River' were second to none.

On "Sounds Of The Forgotten", Minnemann returns to the fold with an album-only appearance, while drummer Chris Tsaganeas (Wax Owls) and multi-instrumentalist Gerry Hirschfeld (Willie Nelson) Witherfall’s newest permanent members. Every Witherfall album is a defining moment.

From the moment "Nocturnes And Requiems" thundered across metaldom to the group’s wine endeavours (Tempest Red Blend) with Charlie & Echo Winery, their video collaboration with Cig Neutron (Devil’s Workshop) on 'The Other Side Of Fear', a beer partnership with Adroit Theory Brewing Company (Shadows Black IPA), and custom Funko Pop set, Michael and Dreyer have made Witherfall their mission.

The journey to this point hasn’t been without toil and upheaval. Determination, however, is the key. Today, Witherfall brings “Sounds Of The Forgotten" to the masses. Experience it all with them.»

Παρακολουθούμε το μουσικό βίντεο του μουσικού κομματιού "Opulent", με την μπάντα να μας λέει σχετικά:

«Inspired by the great 1970s acoustic oriented players such as Al Di Meola, Paco De Lucia and John McLaughlin "Opulent" is the Witherfall take on the Spanish Acoustic Guitar Genre. Not only is it Jake Dreyer's ode to, or perhaps an attempt at blending Spanish inspired guitar phrases set within a signature Witherfall dark soundscape. It is a segue piece like those found on many of our favorite records. Listen along to another chapter of the eerie musical Odyssey that is "Sounds of the Forgotten"»

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