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Steel Inferno - 'Attack' (official music video)

Steel Inferno - Rush Of Power
Οι Steel Inferno σχηματίσθηκαν στην πρωτεύουσα της Δανίας (Κοπεγχάγη) πριν από μία ενδεκάδα έτη! Μας συστήνονται κάπως έτσι:

«Steel Inferno is a raging speed metal machinery straight outta Copenhagen. In the last decade Steel Inferno has been among the local frontrunners in the resurging new wave of traditional heavy metal.»

...και έχουν κυκλοφορήσει τρεις "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους ("Aesthetics of Decay" 2016, "...and the Earth Stood Still" 2020, "Evil Reign" 2022), ένα demo και τέσσερα singles.

Το τέταρτο full length album των Steel Inferno βρίσκεται προ των πυλών. Φέρει τον τίτλο "Rush of Power", αποτελείται από εννέα τραγούδια και αναμένεται (σε cd, βινύλιο και σε ψηφιακή μορφή) στα τελειώματα του φθινοπώρου (29 Νοεμβρίου 2024) από την δισκογαρφική εταιρεία From the Vaults...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Steel Inferno have been, slowly but surely, cementing their name in the European speed metal scene in the last decade. Since the band formation in 2012, the Danes release three studio albums, each one stepping a bit forward in terms of popularity and intensity: “Aesthetics of Decay” in 2016, “...And the Earth Stood Still” in 2020 and “Evil Reign” In 2022.

The latter, which was Steel Inferno debut at From The Vaults, took the band in a slightly different direction. If the Steel Inferno’s early material was akin to European metal like early Accept and Judas Priest, the material in that record was closer to some of the earliest US power metal bands such as Helstar and Jag Panzer – all mixed with a fundamental inspiration from early thrash and speed metal.

With this new-found approach, the band toured like crazy to support “Evil Reign”, until the time came to record new songs again. Angioni Studios were booked, speed riffs, solos were recorded, thunderous rhythms were taped and raging vocal takes were taped.

The result is Steel Inferno’s new album, titled “Rush Of Power”. A thunderous monster of a record, which will hit you like a hurricane, adrenaline-pumping and will leaving craving for the next speed metal fix.

“Rush Of Power” adds more speed, as well as complexity, to the Steel Inferno arsenal, while retaining a sense of creating good melodies. Are you ready for “Rush Of Power”?»

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