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Hell In The Club - 'Carolina Reaper' (official music video)

Blood’s boiling hot again
Feeling the rush as we get close to the show
Gearing up and then
A final march, our squad is ready to go yeah
At first sound, feel the blast of the drum
A cry of war, fired up, the world goes numb
Pounding bass like the pulse through our veins
And we ignite ‘cause tonight the battle’s on

Damnation’s rising with the sound of
Smashed up silence ‘cross the floor
Fuels our raging hunger leaves us wanting more

Feel the heat getting thicker
As we push it louder, more wicked
The safety’s off we let our colors show
Oh oh

Right in the blazing light
Adrenaline’s pumping sweat is soaking the floor
We’re burning this place tonight
If you’re not with us there’s a thing you should know yeah
At first chance we go hard, we go fast
With full on force, full attack your defense won’t last
One front going straight for the hunt
We’ll wear you down, quake the ground
Won’t mind the clash

Damnation’s spreading with the sound of
Roaring screams across the floor
Feeds our raging hunger still we’re craving more

At first sound feel the blast of the drum
We’re fired up, for a moment the world is gone
On track with a full blown attack
Scalding hot, hell was full so we came back

Hell In The Club - 'Carolina Reaper'
Οι Hell in the Club μας έρχονται από την Ιταλία. Δημιουργήθηκαν προ δεκαπενταετίας, το 2009 και αρέσκονται στο μελωδικό hard and heavy. Μας συστήνονται κάπως έτσι:

«Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Hell In The Club is a killer hard rock / heavy metal band. Think of a playlist comprised of your favorite ‘80s hard rock bands like Motley Crue, Def Leppard and the like mixed with the cream of the crop of ‘80s heavy metal like Ronnie James Dio, Helloween and other giants of the era.

Now, imagine if all those classic songs started to play over each other and overlap and merge with one another and you’ll start to have a sense of Hell In The Club’s sound. Familiar, yet wholly unique.

Riffs, big hooks, catchy choruses and gang vocals are the order of the day as they mix classic hard rock and modern sounds, heavy metal and party songs, fifties rock’n’roll and anything in between.»

Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει έξι δίσκους ("Let the Games Begin" 2011, "Devil on My Shoulder" 2014, "Shadow of the Monster" 2016, "See You on the Dark Side" 2017, "Hell of Fame" 2020, "F.U.B.A.R." 2023) συν κάποια singles και ένα ep.

Εν έτει 2024 υπήρξε αλλαγή στον τραγουδιστή της μπάντας με την Σουηδέζα Tezzi (Terese) Persson να παίρνει την θέση του Davide "Dave" Moras και τους Hell In The Club να μας την παρουσιάζουν με την επανηχογράφηση του τραγουδιού "The Kid". Το νέο τους single φέρει τον τίτλο "Carolina Reaper"...

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