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Adrian Benegas - 'Unstoppable' (animated lyric video)

Adrian Benegas - 'Unstoppable'
Ο Adrian Benegas μας έρχεται από την πρωτεύουσα της Παραγουάης (Asunción). Μουσικοσυνθέτης και πληκτράς, ο οποίος δραστηριοποιείται μέσα από τους Pergana, Tragul και Abracadabra, ενώ παράλληλα "τρέχει" και την προσωπική του καριέρα.

Αποκαλεί την μουσική του ως "Theatrical Power Metal" και έχει κυκλοφορήσει δύο "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους ("The Revenant" 2019, "Arcanvm - El mantra secreto de los espíritus" 2023), τρία singles και ένα ep ("Diamonds in the Dark" 2021). Το νέο του μουσικό βήμα γίνεται με το single ("Unstoppable") και τον Παραγουανό καλλιτέχνη να μας λέει σχετικά:

«Following my albums "The Revenant" and "Arcanvm", I've chosen to explore a new sonic direction. "Unstoppable" is more than just another track; it's the final chapter of my EP "Diamonds in the Dark", a journey that began three years ago.

Every note and lyric in "Unstoppable" embodies the essence of this EP, making it the ideal closing piece. This song is a testament to resilience and personal transformation, celebrating the indomitable spirit that emerges stronger after every challenge.

For those who have followed my journey, "Unstoppable" is the powerful conclusion that brings the entire narrative full circle. Today, I'm pleased to share the artwork for "Unstoppable" with you. This single is profoundly personal-I developed the concept, penned the lyrics, composed the music, and designed the artwork myself.

Collaborating with the talented Andreas Ohnhaus on vocals and co-writing has added significant depth to the track, while guitarist Eric Juris added to guitar lines his impressive arrangements. The guest vocals of Emma Pogosova contribute to the track's rising energy, resulting in a powerful fusion of talent and emotion.»

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