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Vision Divine - 'Preys' (official music video)

Here, on rocky shores
I stand before you
Your arms are crossed
My wings are folded
I, Asar the fallen one
Have come here
Breaking our ancient vow

Somewhere hides a threat
While we, lonely, live as hermits

A Demon’s on our trail,
Feeding on our sorrow
Merciless, in the shadow it lies
Creeping beside us
And waiting for tomorrow's prime

As we, torn apart,
Fade away in a sullen sea
Preys we'll die
By the flash of the hunter's scythe

No, you've told me too many “no's”
I need you to trust my words
We have to backtrack now
And find our last fallen brother
Anywhere For this could be our last call

There's no time to waste
Come with me, seize the day

A demon’s on our trail,
Feeding on our sorrow
Merciless, in the shadow it lies
Creeping beside us
And waiting for tomorrow's prime
As we, torn apart,
Fade away in a sullen sea

'No, non ricordi però
L'anima dal corpo sgorga come
Il fiume e pur non torna più li'
(Shakespeare - Hamlet)

A demon’s on our trail,
Feeding on our sorrow
Merciless, in the shadow it lies
Creeping beside us
And waiting for tomorrow's prime
As we, torn apart,
Fade away in a sullen sea
Like Preys we'll die
By the flash of the hunter's scythe

Vision Divine - Blood and Angels' Tears
Το μακρινό 1997 σχηματίσθηκαν στην Ιταλία οι Symmetry. Ουσιαστικά ήταν το προσωπικό σχήμα του κιθαρίστα των Labÿrinth, Olaf Thörsen. Έναν χρόνο αργότερα και μετά την κυκλοφορία του ομώνυμου demo (από το Ελληνικό μουσικό περιοδικό Metal Invader) μετονομάσθηκαν σε Vision Divine.

Το όνομα προήρθε εν μέρει από τους Labÿrinth (Vision ήταν το προηγούμενο όνομά τους) και εν μέρει από τον (ακυκλοφόρητο) solo δίσκο του Olaf, ο οποίος επρόκειτο να φέρει τον τίτλο "Divine". Οι Vision Divine, στην μεγάλη (χρονικά) καριέρα τους, έχουν κυκλοφορήσει οκτώ full length albums.

Το ένατο και διάδοχος του δίσκου "When All the Heroes Are Dead" που κυκλοφόρησε προ πενταετίας φέρει τον τίτλο "Blood and Angels' Tears" και αναμένεται σε λίγες ημέρες. Νέο μέλος της Ιταλικής μπάντας αποτελεί ο drummer Matt Peruzzi (βλ. Labÿrinth, Shadows of Steel κλπ), ο οποίος εντάχθηκε στους Vision Divine φέτος (2024).

Παρακολουθούμε το μουσικό βίντεο του τραγουδιού "Preys", για το οποίο το δελτίο τύπου αναφέρει σχετικά:

«"Preys" is the third single taken from the new Vision Divine album "Blood And Angels' Tears", to be released on September 20th by Scarlet Records - sixth episode of the "Blood And Angels' Tears" saga (chapter I), "Preys" is focused on the charachter of Asar.

Confronting an uncertain future, Asar journeyed westward to seek Kah-Kl-Han, breaking the ancient oath of separation. Amidst a world shrouded in darkness, he sought to sway his brother of the looming danger. Yet the fate of the three brothers teetered on a knife's edge, their reunion fraught with peril and risk.»

Band: Vision Divine
Country of origin: Italy
Location: Massa, Tuscany
Formed in: 1998
Genre: Power Metal
Lyrical themes: Religion, Life
Years active: 1997-1998 (as Symmetry), 1998-present

Video: "Preys"
Lyrics: Olaf Thorsen
Video by: Violex Video
Make-up: Martina Salmaso

Album: "Blood and Angels' Tears"
Type: Full length
Release date: September 20th, 2024
Label: Scarlet Records
Format: CD, 12" vinyl, Digital

Track listing:
01. Chapter I: War in Heaven 02:22
02. Chapter II: The Ballet of Blood and Angels’ Tears 05:38
03. Chapter III: Once Invincible 04:32
04. Chapter IV: Drink Our Blood 04:11
05. Chapter V: When Darkness Comes 05:06
06. Chapter VI: Preys 05:24
07. Chapter VII: A Man on a Mission 02:23
08. Chapter VIII: Go East 04:59
09. Chapter IX: The Broken Past 04:06
10. Chapter X: Dice and Dancers 05:01
11. Chapter XI: Lost 04:27

Band members:
Ivan Giannini - vocals
Olaf Thorsen - guitars
Federico Puleri - guitars
Alessio Lucatti - keyboards, piano
Andrea "Tower" Torricini - bass
Matt Peruzzi - drums

Guest / Session:
AC Wild - Vocals (track 4)
Ray Alder - Vocals (track 9)
Alessandro Conti - Vocals (track 9)
Carl Frederick - Narrator (track 1)

Miscellaneous staff:
Augusto Silva - Cover art

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