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Infrared - 'Concuss' (official music video)

They push and they claw
They work hard to get stuck in your craw
They deny, debilitate
They push to the brink and never deviate

The attempts
You deny
And you never relent

Concuss, Concuss, Concuss
Get in the pit

They cuff and they sting
They crush your very soul and what you bring
They tread and confine
They seal the doors through psychotic design

The attempts
You deny
And you never relent

Concuss, Concuss, Concuss
Get in the pit

The attempts
You deny
And you never, ever relent

Concuss, Concuss, Concuss
Get in the pit

Infrared - Manifestation
Infrared: Καναδέζικο thrash metal συγκρότημα που δραστηριοποιήθηκε την περίοδο που μεσουρανούσαν οι (αποκαλούμενοι ως) Big 4 (Megadeth, Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax). Δραστηριοποιήθηκε στο δεύτερο μισό της δεκαετίας του ογδόντα με απολογισμό μόλις ένα demo ["R.I.P. (Recognition in Power)" 1988].

Προ δεκαετίας επανήλθε δριμύτερο. Δύο EPs και τέσσερις "ολοκληρωμένοι" δίσκοι ο απολογισμός της επιστροφής τους. Το πλέον πρόσφατο δισκογραφικό πόνημα των Infrared φέρει τον τίτλο "Manifestation" και κυκλοφόρησε προ ημερών.

Δελτίο τύπου: «As purveyors of classic thrash metal, Infrared’s roots run deep, having first gained acclaim in the 80s with their hit “Thoughts Caught (in Between)”. Since then, they have released 3 albums and two EPs with Manifestation as the fourth full-length album. They share their excitement:

“With life as busy as it is and some life challenges plaguing the band, the release has been delayed a few times. This is the longest we have sat on a finished album. With determination, we ramped up and filmed four videos and did all it takes to put together what the fans want, new classic thrash metal with a modern feel.”

The single “Manifest Nation” rips and grooves all the way through while singing about a society losing itself and its way. They try to manifest a better life, but with all the technological distractions, they never achieve their goal.

With the album “Manifestation”, Infrared has taken inventory and assessed its back catalog, and looked to see what it could improve on. The result is straight-to-the-point songs that are high in energy and aggression all while staying true to the classic thrash sound. This barn burner of an album is recommended for fans of Exciter, Sacrifice, and Razor.»

Band: Infrared
Country of origin: Canada
Location: Nepean, Ontario
Formed in: 1985
Genre: Thrash Metal
Lyrical themes: Death, Destruction
Years active: 1985-1990, 2014-present

Video: "Concuss"
Album: "Manifestation"
Type: Full length
Release date: September 6th, 2024
Label: Independent
Format: Digital

Track listing:
01. Cataclysm (2:07)
02. Temple of Sin (3:20)
03. Nikko (3:40)
04. Demon’s Blood (3:08)
05. Pressure Syndrome (4:29)
06. The Manifest (0:48)
07. Manifest Nation (3:40)
08. Concuss (4:00)
09. Reforma (4:04)
10. My Dreams Are Real (3:48)
11. Parasite Patrol (3:47)
12. Then the Earth Goes Black (4:16)

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