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Infinitas - 'Laima' (official music video)

Create Your Life
Do It Now
Do it Now

Break your patterns, release yourself,
Let it go
Your heart is not broken,
Come on and you can feel much more
Change your mind, change your reality
One by one and believe

Go all in
Give your heart your spirit and your soul
Never give it up
Go all in
Give your heart your spirit and your blood
It's your life

Break your patterns and release
Your heart free your mind
There's no limitation
There's a light to find

Change your mind, change your reality
Create your life set it free

Go all in
Give your heart your spirit and your soul
Never give it up
Go all in
Give your heart your spirit and your blood
It's your fucking life

You will be proved several times
You have to pass, different quests

Go all in
Give your heart your spirit and your soul
Never give it up
Go all in
Give your heart your spirit and your blood
It's your life

Go your way
Give your heart your spirit and your soul
Never give up your dream
Go your way
Give your heart your spirit and your blood
It's your turn

Do it now
it's your life
your fucking life
your time is now

Infinitas - 'Laima'
«Fantasy infused Melodic Metal with Violin and female Growls.» Κάπως έτσι μας παρουσιάζονται Infinitas οι οποίοι μας έρχονται από την Ελβετία. Πρόκειται για μπάντα η οποία "παντρεύει" το μελωδικό metal με folk στοιχεία. Δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από 15 έτη, αναφέρουν ως επιρροές μπάντες όπως οι Children of Bodom, Opeth, Wintersun, Iron Maiden, Kreator, Amorphis, Ensiferum και έχουν κυκλοφορήσει δύο EPs και ισάριθμους "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους συν πέντε singles. Το πλέον πρόσφατο φέρει τον τίτλο "Laima", με την μπάντα να μας λέει σχετικά:

«Who is Laima? In Baltic mythology, Laima is the goddess of fate, guiding us through life’s key moments. But more than that, she symbolizes the power within each of us to shape our destiny. Do you have a dream burning deep inside, waiting to be set free?

Laima urges you to take charge of your journey and make that dream a reality. She reminds us that life has more to offer if we have the courage to listen to our hearts and go all in. Our new song "Laima" is an anthem for those ready to commit to their dreams-no matter what it takes.»

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