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Audio | Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse | 'Here Comes The Night'

The possessed we are
Creatures of the night
Unbound and ready
Unchained and heavy

The pleasures of the night
Full moon beckons and lights the sky
Neon lights show us the way
There´s something´s in the air

Someone´s chasing
Bewitched and wild
The Police, I laugh them off
And run away with a smile

Here comes the night
Here comes the dream
Follow your heart
And let it scream

Follow your heart
And let it scream

Here comes the night
Here comes the dream
Follow your heart
And let it scream

Follow your heart
And let it scream

Another day turns to dusk
Another moon hides the sun
Unbound and weary
As we get ready

To the pleasures of the night
Moon beckons and lights the sky
Neon lights show us the way
Something´s in the air

Sirens scream
Bewitched and wild
Is this the end
Am I still alive?

Here comes the night
Here comes the dream
Follow your heart
And let it scream

Follow your heart
And let it scream

Here comes the night
Here comes the dream
Follow your heart
And let it scream
And let it scream...

Paul Di Anno’s Warhorse
Προ τριετίας (2021) σχηματίσθηκαν στην Κροατία οι Warhorse. Στα φωνητικά βρίσκουμε τον (πρώτο τραγουδιστή) των Iron Maiden, Paul Di'Anno (γι αυτό τον λόγο αποκαλούνται και Paul Di'Anno's Warhorse). Το τριμελές συγκρότημα συμπληρώνουν δύο μέλη των (thrashers) Rapid Strike, οι κιθαρίστες Hrvoje Madiraca και Ante Pupačić Pupi.

Μετά από δύο περσινά singles ("Stop the War / The Doubt Within", "Warhorse") κι ένα φετινό ep ("Stop the War", το οποίο περιλαμβάνει τα δύο singles) έφθασε η στιγμή για τον πρώτο "ολοκληρωμένο" δίσκο των Warhorse, ο οποίος φέρει ως τίτλο το όνομα της μπάντας (Paul Di Anno's Warhorse), αποτελείται από δέκα τραγούδια (τα δύο είναι διασκευές σε Depeche Mode και The Champs) και κυκλοφόρησε στην "καρδιά" του περασμένου καλοκαιριού (19 Ιουλίου 2024) μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας BraveWords Records...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse have released their self-titled debut album on July 19th via BraveWords Records. “Metal” Tim Henderson of BraveWords Records, “The killer is on the loose again and original Iron Maiden singer Paul D’Anno is riding his Warhorse into new battles with eyes of fire and a fighting spirit. Wrath children pay attention!

Paul Di’Anno speaking about his new album, “Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse is my first studio project after many years of being away from the studio and not performing. I remember when we announced that we were recording an album in Croatia with, to me, completely unknown musicians, many were shocked and no one knew in which direction we would go. Warhorse exudes pure energy and reflects everything I went through while recording the album.

Hrvoje Madiraca (guitars) adds, “This record is a product of hard work combined with the voice of the man, the myth and the legend of our dear Wrathchild! Old school metal you want. That s what you’ll get!

Ante Pupacic (guitars), known as “Pupi” continues, “When it comes to music, I’ve done all sorts of things, but I’m particularly proud of this album. Two years of work, composing, arranging, recording, editing, deleting, and so on.

We went through all kinds of emotions, from euphoria to agony. Each song was carefully polished to achieve its current form. On the album, everyone added their touch, both Hrvoje and I, in terms of lyrics, music, and production, all ennobled by the powerful vocals of our legend, Paul Di’Anno.

Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse is the last original band/project of Paul Di’Anno. The first idea of forming a band arose in December 2021, when Paul and guitarist Hrvoje Madiraca met in Zagreb, Croatia.

The formation and naming of this project happened simultaneously with the writing and recording of new songs, which were started immediately after Paul and Hrvoje joined hands and thus formed the band. Already in May, Paul Di’Annos’ Warhorse independently released the DVD single ‘Stop the War’ in a limited edition of 666 copies and sold it out in just a few days.

This was followed by the fantastic ‘Stop the War’ lyrics video, which delighted fans around the world. The Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse project gathered fantastic guest musicians on some songs, and a video was recorded for almost every song on the album.

The core of the band itself is the three ‘horsemen’ Paul Di’Anno - vocals, Hrvoje Madiraca - guitars and Ante Pupačić Pupi - Guitars. Fans at Warhorse live shows can expect a live explosion, musical virtuosos and a top stage attraction.

Paul Di’Anno in the stadium edition, would be the most appropriate description. Band Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse is a parallel band to his classic ‘Paul Di’Anno’ line-up and unlike his standard set list, Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse concerts will abound with Warhorse songs, with the addition of Iron Maiden classics and special, unexpected covers chosen by Paul Di’Anno.»

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