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Adamantra - 'False Illusion' (official lyric video)

These inhuman masters
Portraying as angels or gods
Challenge the might of one’s conscience
Laughing at mercy and grace

Inside the ever-expanding prison
The walls near each other
Replacing light obscure

Loyalty convincing forgery
Reality of the fearful
Living in a world
Fantasy of harmony
And shadows everywhere

Incarnations of evil
Planting prying eyes and whispering tongues
Supervising the weak-minded masses
Upholding law and control

Surveying the minds
Of the ones seeking truth
Free thought an enemy of peace
Rebellion means war

Loyalty convincing forgery
Reality of the fearful
Living in a world
Fantasy of harmony
And shadows everywhere

Loyalty convincing forgery
Reality of the fearful
Living in a world
Fantasy of harmony
And shadows everywhere

Act III - Pareidolia of Depravity
Δισκογραφική επιστροφή μετά από μία δεκαετία για τους Adamantra. Ο διάδοχος του δίσκου "Act II: Silent Narratives" (Μάιος 2014) των Φινλανδών power metallers τιτλοφορείται "Act III: Pareidolia of Depravity" και αναμένεται τον επόμενο μήνα (25 Οκτωβρίου 2024) μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Inverse Records. Οι Adamantra δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από 21 έτη, το 2003, στην πρωτεύουσα της Φινλανδίας και έχουν κυκλοφορήσει δύο "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους, ένα demo συν πέντε singles...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Ever since the early 2000’s has Adamantra forged its versatile power metal and is, after a long hiatus, releasing its third album Act III - Pareidolia of Depravity on October 25th through Inverse Records.

Both musically and thematically the album carries on from where the previous album Act II: Silent Narratives ended, but for the first time a string quartet can be heard on three songs, which of course adds a tasteful flavor to the mix.

All eight songs tell grim tales of different eras, the evil things surrounding us, its openness to interpretation and differing points of view. Now released single False Illusions, with its accompanied lyric video, touches the subject of the problems of a totalitarian society, of which the bass player Jukka Hoffrén speaks as follows:

”The lyrics are about a surveillance society and totalitarian dictatorship. The loss of one’s privacy, freedom of thought and expression means the total of loss of freedom, though it might, at the same time, be an illusion of harmony and peace. Surveillance society is really a dictatorship. Can happiness be guaranteed to an individual in the name of mutual success and conformity?”»

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