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Judas Priest - 'Panic Attack' (live video)

The clamour and the clatter of incensed keys
Can bring a nation to its knees
On the wings of a lethal icon
Bird of prey

It’s a sign of the times when bedlam rules
When the masses condone pompous fools
And the scales of justice
Tip in disarray

Panic Attack Panic Attack

Matters of fact fall on deaf ears
While the bitter mobs ramp up their fears
Go creeping round those corridors of power

As the dead heads gladly suffer sins
While the euthanising then begins
The clock is ticking down to doomsday hour

Panic Attack Panic Attack

Alien nations gleam
Cybertronic schemes
Fibre optic mass hypnotic
Wild neurotic memes

Cynicism greed what you’re fed
Disconnecting from the world wide web

It don’t matter about your choice
Cause all you’ve got is an empty voice
And there’s no way left
To tell what’s right from wrong

There’s still time left
To do what’s right
Eliminate those parasites
And force your mind amidst
The angry throng

Panic Attack Panic Attack
Disconnect the system

Panic Attack Panic Attack
Euthanise the brain

Panic Attack Panic Attack
Blind synthetic wisdom

Panic Attack Panic Attack
Digitally criminally insane

Panic Attack Panic Attack

Judas Priest - 'Invincible Shield'
"Invincible Shield" τιτλοφορείται το πλέον δισκογραφικό πόνημα των Judas Priest, το οποίο κυκλοφόρησε στις αρχές της άνοιξης. Παρακολουθούμε το βίντεο με την "ζωντανή" απόδοση του τραγουδιού "Panic Attack" προερχόμενο από την καλοκαιρινή περιοδεία της Βρετανικής μπάντας για την προώθηση του δίσκου...

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