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DGM - 'The Great Unknown' (official music video)

Welcome you to this world
Where everything is upside down
and all the dark’s turning to light

It’s me without my fears
Just trying hard to see it clear
I am a king without a crown

Through the mind’s eye
The siren’s call to a bright perception
It’s time for me to realize

Kingdom of thousand hopes
A burning sun for a new dawn
The highest mountain I will climb

No pain, I’ll shed no tears
Chasing wishes to fulfill
Until the end, until I die

Through the mind’s eye
The siren’s call to a bright perception
I’m not afraid I want to try
To the great unknown
Solitary introspection
A light in the darkness

I wander, discover I need to
No wonder, I’m eager to find out
A dreamer, in this world I belong
I will face the road that’s
Leading to the great unknown

Through the mind’s eye
The siren’s call to a bright perception
I’m not afraid I want to try
To the great unknown
Solitary introspection
A light in the darkness
To the great unknown
I’m walking through the line

Δεν πρόλαβε να... χρονίσει ο δίσκος "Life" ("βγήκε" τον Νοέμβριο του 2023) και οι DGM έχουν ήδη έτοιμο τον διάδοχό του. Τιτλοφορείται "Endless" και αναμένεται στην "καρδιά" του φθινοπώρου. Πρόκειται για τον δωδέκατο "ολοκληρωμένο" στουντιακό δίσκο των Ιταλών progsters, οι οποίοι δισκογραφούν ανελλιπώς από τα μέσα της δεκαετίας του ενενήντα. Οι DGM πήραν τον όνομά τους από τα αρχικά των ονομάτων των μελών που τους δημιούργησαν (Diego Reali, Gianfranco Tassella, Maurizio Pariotti) αν και κανείς εξ αυτών δεν βρίσκεται πλέον στο συγκρότημα εδώ και πολλά χρόνια..

Band: DGM
Country of origin: Italy
Location: Rome, Lazio
Formed in: 1994
Genre: Progressive/Power Metal
Lyrical themes: Struggles, Questions
Years active: 1994-present

Video: "The Great Unknown"
Music: Simone Mularoni
Lyrics: Andrea Arcangeli, Fabio Costantino
Album: "Endless"
Type: Full length
Release date: October 18th, 2024
Label: Frontiers Music Srl

Track listing:
1. Promises
2. The Great Unknown
3. The Wake
4. Solitude
5. From Ashes
6. Final Call
7. Blank Pages
8. ...Of Endless Echoes

Band members:
Fabio Constantino - Drums
Andrea Arcangeli - Bass
Simone Mularoni - Guitars, Vocals (backing)
Emanuele Casali - Keyboards, Violin
Mark Basile - Vocals

Miscellaneous staff:
Simone Mularoni - Mixing, Mastering, Recording
Travis Smith - Cover art

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