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Paralydium - 'Forging The Past' (official video)

Future denied
An exit to this world
In ruins, dust fills the sky
Wasted, fields of gold

Life must be restored
Connected points of past in synergy
Time can be reversed
To heal the wounds inflicted
And bring back hope

Another crack in the void
Leads the way towards a path to recover
Travel back to founding ages
Through the depths of space and time we
Intersect pathways drawn between dimensions,
Backwards in time

(Linked in synergy)
(Voices of the past)

I find myself in here, ages back
Images of home, in other light
I try to be the one to set it right
To reconnect the pieces for our kind

Time, connections from the past
To a world of crystalline skies
Knowing where the future lies
We won’t be sacrificed,
We won’t be sacrificed

Tracing the steps back to find
Forgotten shadows of past generations
Shape the world that lies ahead of us
Through the wasteland
Of our fathers we must seek.
For tomorrow lives or dies
With what we will find

(Linked in synergy)
(Voices of the past)

I try to be the one to set it right
To reconnect the pieces for our kind
Echoes from our minds

Time, connections from the past
To a world of crystalline skies
Knowing where the future lies
We won’t be sacrificed,
We won’t be sacrificed

Time, connections from the past
To a world of crystalline skies
Knowing where the future lies
We won’t be sacrificed,
We won’t be sacrificed

Paralydium - 'Universe Call'
Το 2015 δημιουργήθηκαν στην Σουηδία οι The Paralydium Project από δύο εν' ενεργεία (Jonathan Olsson, Georg Härnsten Egg) κι ένα πρώην (John Berg) μέλος των Dynazty. Την ίδια χρονιά κυκλοφόρησαν το ντεμπούτο τους, το ομότιτλο ep.

Προ πενταετίας, το 2019, μετονομάσθηκαν σε (σκέτο) Paralydium συνεχίζοντας ακάθεκτοι με τον πρώτο "ολοκληρωμένο" τους δίσκο, ο οποίος τιτλοφορείται "Wolds Beyond" και κυκλοφόρησε την επόμενη χρονιά. Ο διάδοχός του βρίσκεται προ των πυλών. Φέρει τον τίτλο "Universe Calls" και αναμένεται στα τελειώματα του καλοκαιριού μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Frontiers Music srl...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Progressive act Paralydium emerged under the guidance of John Berg, a visionary with a passion for blending powerful riffs, melodic landscapes, cinematic atmospheres and hypnotic grooves.

Paralydium's music, influenced by metal, prog, and classical film scores, creates a unique sonic atmosphere — a journey that transcends the boundaries of space and time.

Paralydium upcoming 2nd release through Frontiers Records “Universe Calls” promises a diverse palette of hard-hitting riffs, atmospheric textures, seamless transitions, and the complexity of distinct songs interwoven.

Demonstrating an enduring quality, it serves to deepen the listener's immersion into the unique universe crafted by Paralydium.

After the gloomy years marked by the pandemic and global lockdowns, a period characterized by a lack of activity, the focus shifted to planning the future.

John, desiring to transcend previous achievements, aimed to amplify the progressive elements that defined Paralydium's essence.

With the addition of the new vocalist, Alexander Lycke, the ensuing chapter unfolded as a landscape of vast progressiveness, resulting in explosive musical outcomes.

The synergy of accomplished musicians and Alexander's immersive performances has ushered Paralydium into an exciting new era: "Universe Call".»

Band: Paralydium
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Stockholm
Formed in: 2015
Genre: Progressive Metal
Years active: 2015-2019 (as The Paralydium Project), 2019-present

Video: "Forging The Past"
Music: J. Berg
Lyrics: G. Egg / J. Berg
Album: "Universe Call"
Type: Full length
Release date: August 23rd, 2024
Label: Frontiers Music srl

Track listing:
1. Prelude
2. Sands Of Time
3. Forging The Past
4. The Arcane Exploration Pt. I
5. Caught In A Dream
6. Interlude
7. The Arcane Exploration Pt. II

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