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Amethyst - 'Embers on the Loose' (official music video)

Amethyst - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'
Οι Amethyst της συγκεκριμένης ανάρτησης (γιατί υπάρχει ή υπήρξε μεγάλος αριθμός metal συγκροτημάτων με αυτό το όνομα) μας έρχονται από την Ελβετία. Heavy metal / NWOBHM μπάντα η οποία σχηματίσθηκε προ τετραετίας.

Μας συστήθηκαν με το -τεσσάρων τραγουδιών- ep "Rock Knights", το οποίο κυκλοφόρησε σε τρία... διαφορετικά έτη (2022, 2023, 2024)! Ο πρώτος "ολοκληρωμένος" τους δίσκος βρίσκεται προ των πυλών. Φέρει τον τίτλο "Throw Down the Gauntlet" και αναμένεται στα τελειώματα του πρώτου φθινοπωρινού μήνα...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Amethyst was conceived in the year of the plague 2020 out of an ardent desire and passion to play Heavy Rock as raw and pure as the elders did in the glorious years of the late '70s and early '80s.

Driven by the flame of this music of old, Miguel and Yves embarked on a quest for like-minded souls up for the task. In the months that followed they were found indeed and by spring 2022 the line-up as we know today, compromising of Freddy on vocals, Yves and Ramon on guitars, Miguel on bass and Eldo on drums, was complete.

The same year saw the recordings of the "Rock Knights" EP finally released in spring 2023, which took the scene by surprise and quickly became a favorite for many fans of hard rock and classic heavy metal, while the band stand out among many other newcomers.

Amethyst reached for the stars and its ascent sees no slowing down, quite on the contrary! Many concerts followed in which the band unleashed its passionate songs on wild crowds. Those for example that bore witness to their second ever show at the prestigious Muskelrock festival in Sweden certainly have a story to tell their grandchildren as it would seem!

A dozen of more shows at renowned festivals like Keep It True Rising, Chaos Descends and Steel City Sorcery followed. After completing eight more hymns of unbridled passion, the band retreated into their dungeon to record their debut album "Throw Down the Gauntlet" in the early months of 2024, due to be released in September of the same year by No Remorse Records.

The band tasted blood and is hungry for more and there seems to be no slowing... let's see what the future will bring! The album is engineered, mixed and mastered by Eldo at City of Gold Studio, Switzerland. Cover photography by Tomi Palinkas. Layout by Annick Giroux.»

Band: Amethyst
Country of origin: Switzerland
Formed in: 2020
Genre: Heavy Metal
Years active: 2020-present

Video: "Embers on the Loose"
Album: "Throw Down the Gauntlet"
Type: Full length
Release date: September 27th, 2024
Label: No Remorse Records
Format: CD, Vinyl, Digital

Track listing:
1. Embers on the Loose
2. Stand Up and Fight
3. Won't Do It Again
4. Running Out of Time
5. Rock Knights
6. Queen of a Thousand Burning Hearts
7. Take Me Away
8. Serenade (Under the Rising Moon)

Band members:
Frëddy - Vocals
Ramon - Electric Rhythm and Lead Guitar
Yves - Electric, Rhythm and Lead Guitar
Miguel Sanchez - Electric Bass Guitar
Eldo - Drums

Miscellaneous staff:
Eldo - Engineering, Mixing, Mastering
Tomi Palinkas - Cover art
Annick Giroux - Layout

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