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Warmen - 'A World of Pain' (Official Animated Video)

Blood will have blood: watch the drama unfold
The one who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw
Hate prevails!
As you go down in flames

Hate prevails - give it up, now your cover is blown
It's safe to say from now on you'll be on your own
In a world of pain you're no longer the man of the hour
You make amends, but I'll reclaim my power through
chaos and disorder

Blood will have blood: watch the drama unfold
I don't give a fuck about anybody anymore...

So, you call me a hypocrite
Too bad no-one's buying it
You're entering a world of pain!

Now you call me parasite
Guess I'll have to just ruin your life
You're entering a world of pain!

Hate prevails!
As you go down in flames

Hate prevails - give it up, now your cover is blown
It's safe to say from now on you'll be on your own
In a world of pain you're no longer the man of the hour
You make amends, but I'll reclaim my power through
chaos and disorder

In a world of pain you make amends, but I'll prevail...
...through chaos and disorder!

Warmen - 'Here for None'
Οι Warmen είναι το συγκρότημα που δημιούργησε ο πληκτράς των Children of Bodom (αποχώρησε το 2019) Janne Warman στο μεταίχμιο των δύο χιλιετιών. Μπάντα νεοκλασικού power metal, η οποία επέστρεψε πέρυσι δισκογραφικά μετά από εννέα έτη. "Here for None" ο τίτλος του έκτου "ολοκληρωμένου" τους δίσκου, ο οποίος κυκλοφόρησε το περασμένο καλοκαίρι (18 Αυγούστου 2023) μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Reaper Entertainment (και της Chaos Reigns στην Ιαπωνία).

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