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Mindcage - 'Point Of Impact' (official audio)

Mindcage - 'Chrononaut'
Τους (συγκεκριμένους) Mindcage δεν τους γνώριζα. Αιτία να τους μάθω είναι η (επανα)κυκλοφορία της Arkeyn Steel Records. Πρόκειται για Αμερικάνικη prog / power metal στο ύφος των Queensrÿche, Jacobs Dream, Screamer (σύμφωνα με το δελτίο τύπου). Το 1987 ηχογράφησαν ένα demo, το οποίο κυκλοφόρησε πέντε έτη αργότερα (σε κασέτα).

Τα έξι τραγούδια του demo (Back Against The Wall, Point Of Impact, Living To Die, The Seventh Dawning, The Betrayal, Labyrinth) αποτελούν το περιεχόμενο του cd "Chrononaut", το οποίο θα κυκλοφορήσει στα τελειώματα του επόμενου μήνα (26 Ιουλίου 2024) σε 500 αντίτυπα (500 Handnumbered CDs) και είναι αφιερωμένο στην μνήμη του τραγουδιστή Tom Williams, ο οποίος απεβίωσε προ τετραετίας (2020)...

Δελτίο τύπου: «A deep study into the elegant process of progress and power. Yes, it is finally available again!!! One of the finest recordings of Florida's Prog / Power scene: Demo 1987 by Mindcage. A great example of the classic mid 80s Ryche sound captured on tape.

An outstanding debut release that marked the course of this excellent band. Recorded back in Spring of 1987, initially it was a demo that was shopped to several record labels and garnered the interest of Mike Varney, CEO of Shrapnel Records. However, plans were scrapped after creative differences could not be resolved between the band and the label's producer.

Despite this setback, Mindcage soldiered on, and in 1992 they did a short run of cassette tapes of their initial recording to make their music more widely available. These tapes were sent to the press and fans far and wide. "Chrononaut" is dedicated to the memory of Tom Williams, the band's original frontman, whose tragic passing in 2020 was a tremendous loss.

His voice and vision were instrumental in carving out Mindcage's distinctive path in the metal world from the onset. His contributions are celebrated in this early recording, which we are proud to share far and wide.

One of the most important recordings of the US Prog / Power underground is available again: Remastered from scratch by Kostas Scandalis (Infinity Studios, Thessaloniki, Greece), packed with complete lyrics, photos and an extensive biography by band's guitarist Dietrick Hardwick.

Join the Chorononaut's journey! For fans of US Prog / Power METAL like Queensrÿche, Screamer (US-WI), Jacobs Dream, Recon & Alias (US-FL)!»

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