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Heir Apparent - 'We The People' (Play It Loud 2015)

We, the people
Face the challenge of our lives
Apparent heirs of this domain
The time is short for us
To set a new priority
Or we will surely pay the price - of the world
- Your world
- My world
- Our world

In the name of progress
We take more than we need
Respect for life exchanged
For corporate greed
Chemical waste destroys
Our land and sea
With no regard for the future
Of our world

We, the people
Face the challenge of our lives
Apparent heirs of this domain
We, the people shape our destiny
And the time is now to take care - of the world
- Your world
- My world
- Our world

We must unite -to survive!

Heir Apparent
Εννέα έτη πίσω μας γυρίζουν οι Heir Apparent, οι οποίοι μας υπενθυμίζουν την εμφάνισή τους στην Ιταλία (Brescia), στο Play It Loud Festival στις 25 Οκτωβρίου 2015. Η Αμερικάνικη μπάντα με τον Terry Gorle στην κιθάρα, τον Derek Peace στο μπάσο, τον Ray Schwartz στα τύμπανα, τον Op Sakiya στα πλήκτρα και τον Will Shaw στα φωνητικά απέδωσε "ζωντανά" σετ 18 τραγουδιών. Μεταξύ αυτών και το "We The People"...

Band: Heir Apparent
Country of origin: United States
Location: Seattle, Washington
Formed in: 1983
Genre: Heavy/Power/Progressive Metal
Years active: 1983-1990, 1998, 2000-present
Video: "We The People" (Play It Loud 2015)

Set order:
01. EnTrance
02. Dragon's Lair
03. The Servant
04. Crossing the Border
05. Hands of Destiny
06. Tear Down the Walls
07. Running From the Thunder
08. A.N.D... dogro lived on
09. We The People
10. The Cloak
11. Masters of Invasion
12. R.I.P.
13. Cacophony of Anger
14. One Small Voice
15. Decorated
16. The Fifth Season
17. Keeper of the Reign
18. Another Candle

Play It Loud 2015 line-up:
Terry Gorle - guitar
Derek Peace - bass
Ray Schwartz - drums
Op Sakiya - keyboards
Will Shaw - vocals

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