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Shadow Demon - 'Drums of War' (official lyric video)

Hear of The People
When Stoneheart he came
Consumed with ambition
Devouring our lives

The drums of war
They speak now their deadly song
Bury your fathers in madness
Drums of war
They pierce to the very soul
Birthright of those who have died
Will survive

The land lies in agony
Great One lies slain
Our hope now exhausted
And soon, too, are we

The drums of war
They speak now their deadly song
Bury your fathers in madness
Drums of war
They pierce to the very soul
Birthright of those who have died
Will survive

Take up arms and they'll destroy you
Follow me and be devoured
Can't you see there's no solution
Soon I will obliviate

Hear them calling
Pounding, tempting
Now we feel the lure of power
Hail to thee now serve or die
Empire demands subjugation

With failing light we now arrive
Enshrined in shadow
We'll take our right
From our lips we seem divine
But in our chest pounds the heart of a demon

Hear us our fathers
We stand now unfailing
Our lives are forfeit
The old ways are dying
Wolf grants his heart
And the Eagle his valor
Bear grant your strength
Oh I hear it...the end is here

Shadow Demon - 'Grimoire of Ruin'
Οι Shadow Demon μας έρχονται από τις ΗΠΑ (Seattle, Washington). Power/thrash metal μουσικό σχήμα, το οποίο δημιουργήθηκε το μακρινό 2001 και διαλύθηκε επτά έτη αργότερα (2008). Κυκλοφόρησαν το ομώνυμο ep τον Ιανουάριο του 2004 και ένα full length album ("Grimoire of Ruin" Οκτώβριος 2006), αυτοχρηματοδοτούμενα και τα δύο.

Ο λόγος που υπέπεσαν στην αντίληψή μου είναι η παρουσία και η συμμετοχή του Terry Gorle (των Heir Apparent βεβαίως - βεβαίως), ο οποίος ανέλαβε -στο ep- τόσο την παραγωγή, όσο και τον σχεδιασμό του λογοτύπου των Shadow Demon.

Τον επόμενο μήνα (22 Μαΐου 2024) ο πρώτος "ολοκληρωμένος" δίσκος των Shadow Demon θα επανακυκλοφορήσει υπό τον τίτλο "Grimoire of Ruin (Remixed)", εν πρώτοις μόνο σε ψηφιακή μορφή...

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