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Attic - 'Darkest Rites' (official music video)

Blazing fires light up the night sky
In the hidden grove Satan's summoned forth

Darkness is falling, the head-witch is calling
The lord of light sparks their lust inside

Head Witch:
"Rise! Join this infernal night!
This sabbat seals our pact

Cast your spells! Open the gates of hell again
and sacrifice some children's blood tonight!

Ohhh cast your spells!"

They ride on beasts, in excess they feast
Serve as their master's whores,
Satan's paramours

A shameful kiss feeds the horned ones desire
When his seed 's conceived
the covenant is sealed

Head Witch:
"Rise! Join this infernal night!
This sabbat seals our pact
Cast your spells! Open the gates of hell again
and sacrifice some children's blood tonight!

Ohhh cast your spells!"

Head Witch:
"Bringer of light join our darkest rites!”

Head Witch:
"Rise! Join this infernal night!
This sabbat seals our pact

Cast your spells! Open the gates of hell again
and sacrifice some children's blood tonight!

Ohhh cast your spells!"

Head Witch:
"Bringer of light join our darkest rites!
Darkest rites!"

Attic - 'Return Of The Witchfinder'
Δισκογραφική επιστροφή μετά από μία επταετία για τους Attic. "Return of the Witchfinder" ο τίτλος του νέου τους πονήματος και κυκλοφόρησε προ ημερών (5 Απριλίου 2024) σε cd, βινύλιο και σε ψηφιακή μορφή μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Van Records.

Οι Attic μας έρχονται από την Γερμανία. Δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από δεκατέσσερα έτη (2010) στην Γερμανία κι αγαπούν (πολύ!!!) τον King Diamond και τους Mercyful Fate. Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει τρεις "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους ("The Invocation" Δεκέμβριος 2012 και "Sanctimonious" Αύγουστος 2017 οι δύο πρώτοι)...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Attic are back with their furious third album entitled 'Return Of The Witchfinder'. The german five piece presents dark and sinister heavy metal with a slight black metal influence - fierce and evil as it can possibly get.

"This album is both back to the roots and also more extreme compared to 'The Invocation' and 'Sanctimonious'", vocalist Meister Cagliostro states. "It's the traditional Attic sound meeting some new and even heavier elements." Follow the Witchfinder's call or burn at the stake!"»

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