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Queen - 'I'm Going Slightly Mad' (official lyric video)

When the outside temperature rises
And the meaning is, oh, so clear
One thousand and one yellow daffodils
Begin to dance in front of you. Oh, dear

Are they trying to tell you something?
You're missing that one final screw
You're simply not in the pink, my dear
To be honest, you haven't got a clue

I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened, happened
It finally happened.
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad

Oh, dear!

I'm one card short of a full deck
I'm not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I'm not my usual top-billing

I'm coming down with a fever
I'm really out to sea
This kettle is boiling over
I think I'm a banana tree

Oh, dear

I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened, happened
Finally happened.
Finally happened
I'm slightly mad

Oh, dear!

I'm knitting with only one needle
Unraveling fast. It's true
I'm driving only three wheels these days
But, my dear, how about you?

I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened
It finally happened
Oh, yes
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad!
Just very slightly mad!
And there you have it!

Queen - 'Innuendo'
Στις 4 Φεβρουαρίου 1991 κυκλοφόρησε ο τελευταίος δίσκος των Queen με τον Freddie Mercury εν ζωή. Ο λόγος για το θρυλικό album "Innuendo". Δεύτερο τραγούδι του δίσκου το (υπέροχο) "I'm Going Slightly Mad", το οποίο έναν μήνα αργότερα (4 Μαρτίου 1991) "βγήκε" και αυτόνομα, ως single.

Ήταν το δεύτερο (χρονικά) single που "έβγαλε" ο δίσκος μετά το ομότιτλο τραγούδι ("Innuendo").

Στο επτάιντσο στην δεύτερη πλευρά βρίσκεται το "The Hitman", ενώ στο δωδεκάιντσο τόσο το "The Hitman" όσο και "Lost Opportunity". Στο βιβλίο "Mercury and Me" που κυκλοφόρησε ο (σύντροφος του Freddie) Jim Hutton το 1994 είχε πει σχετικά:

«Freddie set about with Peter trying to come up with a succession of goofy lyrics, each funnier than the last. He screamed when they came up with things like "I'm knitting with only one needle" and "I'm driving on only three wheels these days".

But the master-stroke was: "I think I'm a banana tree". Once that came out there was no stopping Freddie and Straker - they were then in full flow. I went to bed to fall asleep listening to their laughter wafting upstairs.»

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