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Midnight - 'Hellish Expectations' (official album stream)

Midnight - 'Hellish Expectations'
Οι Midnight μας έρχονται από το Cleveland. Δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από 21 έτη και είναι ουσιαστικά το προσωπικό σχήμα του Jamie Walters (a.k.a. Athenar), ο οποίος χαρακτηρίζει την μουσική της μπάντας του ως Black Rock 'n' Roll κι αναφέρει ως επιρροές τους Motörhead, Toxic Holocaust, Destructor, Satan's Satyrs, The Gates of Slumber, Venom, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, Possessed κλπ.

Οι Midnight έχουν κυκλοφορήσει έξι "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους συν έξι EPs, τρία demos τρία singles, πέντε live albums και τέσσερις συλλογές. Το πλέον πρόσφατο δισκογραφικό τους πόνημα είναι full length album. Φέρει τον τίτλο "Hellish Expectations" και "βγήκε" μόλις χθες...

Δελτίο τύπου: «The notorious and prolific Cleveland cult, Midnight, have been slaying the metal / punk underground with their own, highly addictive brand of lust, filth, and sleaze dating back to the band's inception in 2003.

Filthy, belligerent and obnoxious, Midnight make music to start fights to. One-man-band, Athenar, has been churning out an ungodly racket, dropping countless demos, splits and EPs, and in 2024 he returns with Midnight's sixth full-length, 'Hellish Expectations'.

Athenar says about the album: "It's a knuckle dragger with a fat cutoff. Pure testosterone meat. Probably the most concise and straight to the point Midnight album to date, and all written in a weekend.

The album was written on pure reaction upon leaving the studio after listening to raw tracks from the previous album 'Let There Be Witchery'.

The final mix of that album was good, but at the time of laying it down in the studio, I didn't like what I was hearing and demanded a new leviathan of an album to be written that weekend."

Band: Midnight
Country of origin: United States
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Formed in: 2003
Genre: Black/Speed Metal
Years active: 2003-present

Album: "Hellish Expectations"
Type: Full length
Release date: March 8th, 2024
Label: Metal Blade Records
Format: CD, 12" vinyl, Cassette, Digital

Band members:
Athenar - Everything

Miscellaneous staff:
Gary Davis - Photography
Noah Buchanan - Engineering, Mixing, Mastering
Annick Giroux - Design
William Lacey - Cover art

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