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Achelous - 'Tower of High Sorcery' (official album stream)

Achelous - 'Tower of High Sorcery'
Οι Achelous δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από δεκατρία έτη ως το προσωπικό σχήμα του Chris Achelous (ο οποίος έπαιζε όλα τα μουσικά όργανα). Σιγά - σιγά εξελίχθηκαν σε "κανονικό" συγκρότημα. Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει τρία demos, δύο EPs ("The Cold Winds of Olympus" 2015, "Northern Winds" 2021), ισάριθμα singles συν δύο "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους ("Macedon" 2018, "The Icewind Chronicles" 2022), με τον τρίτο να βρίσκεται ήδη εκεί έξω. Φέρει τον τίτλο "Tower of High Sorcery" και "βγήκε" μόλις σήμερα...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Achelous return with the third full-length album "Tower of High Sorcery", on March 22, 2024. With "Macedon" in 2018 and "The Icewind Chronicles" in 2022, Achelous built a strong following in the underground metal scene.

The combination of thunderous and straight-forward epic heavy metal with atmospheric passages have become a trademark for Achelous and now they're adding even more flame and passion in their music, while there is a step forward in every aspect, including musicianship and performance.

With the "Tower of High Sorcery", Achelous will establish their place in the current Epic Heavy Metal scene. The album is recorded, mixed and mastered by Stathis Pavlantis at Dark Water Audio. Produced by Achelous and Stathis Pavlantis. Cover art by Silvana Massa Art.»

Band: Achelous
Country of origin: Greece
Location: Athens, Attica
Formed in: 2011
Genre: Epic Heavy Metal
Lyrical themes: Mythology, Religion
Years active: 2011-present

Album: "Tower of High Sorcery"
Type: Full length
Release date: March 22nd, 2024
Label: No Remorse Records
Format: CD, Vinyl, Digital

Track listing:
1. Whispering Forest (Introduction)
2. Dragon Wings
3. Istar (Blood Red Sea)
4. The Oath
5. Tower of High Sorcery
6. Fortress of Sorrow
7. Into the Shadows
8. Pagan Fire
9. When the Angels Bleed

Chris Kappas - Vocals
Chris Achelous - Bass
George Mavrommatis - Guitars, Keyboards
Haris Dinos - Guitars
Giannis Roussis - Drums

Special guests:
Harry "The Tyrant" Conklin (vocals on "Into the Shadows")
Anastasia Megalokonomou (vocals on "Whispering Forest" and "Pagan Fire")

Miscellaneous staff:
Stathis Pavlantis - Producer, Recording, Mixing, Mastering
Silvana Massa Art - Cover art

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