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Satan - 'Life sentence' (official album stream)

Satan - 'Life sentence'
Οι Satan υπάρχουν στο heavy metal σύμπαν τεσσεράμισι δεκαετίες. Δημιουργήθηκαν το μακρινό 1979 και συνεχίζουν, με διαλείμματα, μέχρι τις ημέρες μας (αν κι όχι πάντα με αυτό το όνομα, βλ. Blind Fury, Pariah). Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει έξι "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους (συν τρία demos, τέσσερα singles, ένα ep, τρεις συλλογές και δύο live albums).

Η είσοδός τους στην τρέχουσα χιλιετία έγινε τυπικά το 2004 με το live album "Live in the Act" και ουσιαστικά τον Απρίλιο του 2013 με το εκπληκτικό "Life Sentence" [το επιλογικό "Another Universe" είναι από τα καλύτερα τραγούδια που έχω ακούσει... ever (που λένε και στο χωριό μου)]. Καθόλου τυχαία ή συμπτωματικά ο εν λόγω δίσκος φιγουράρει στην λίστα με τα καλύτερα (ή έστω τα αγαπημένα μας) albums που κυκλοφόρησαν στην πρώτη δεκαετία "ζωής" του Metal Daze.

Δελτίο τύπου: «Satan is a heavy metal band originating from Newcastle, England in 1980, known as part of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal movement.

Though generally obscure throughout their career, the band is considered influential for playing a form of proto-thrash metal that was fairly advanced by the standards of the early 1980s.

Their debut album 1983's "Court In The Act" is now widely acclaimed and regarded by many as the pinnacle of their ten year career, during which the band's line-up underwent a number of personnel changes and even changes in band name, releasing albums under the name of Blind Fury and Pariah, before folding in 1990.

Guitarist Steve Ramsey and bassist Graeme English went on to found folk metal band Skyclad, while vocalist Brian Ross reformed his original band Blitzkrieg.

Satan remained inactive until re-assembling for a one-off gig at Germany’s Wacken Open Air in 2004, and finally reunited in their original "Court In The Act" line-up for 2011's Keep It True festival.

The band performed at several european festivals in 2011 and 2012 and have announced more festival shows and even a new album for 2013, to mark the 30th anniversary of "Court In The Act"'s release.

Bow to your knees, Satan is back with its new album is "Life Sentence". You've been warned...»

Band: Satan
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
Formed in: 1979
Genre: NWOBHM, Heavy Metal
Lyrical themes: Society, Personal, History, Violence, Injustice
Years active: 1979-1984, 1984-1985 (as Blind Fury), 1985-1988, 1988-1989 (as Pariah), 1997-1998 (as Pariah), 2004, 2011-present

Album: "Life Sentence"
Type: Full length
Release date: April 29th, 2013
Label: Listenable Records

Track listing:
01. Time to Die
02. Twenty Twenty Five
03. Cenotaph
04. Siege Mentality
05. Incantations
06. Testimony
07. Tears of Blood
08. Life Sentence
09. Personal Demons
10. Another Universe

Band members:
Graeme English - Bass
Sean Taylor - Drums
Russ Tippins - Guitars
Steve Ramsey - Guitars
Brian Ross - Vocals

Miscellaneous staff:
Dario Mollo - Producer, Mixing, Mastering
Eliran Kantor - Cover art
Dave Curle - Engineering
Rik Bauters - Photography (live)
Eddy Vermeiren - Photography (live)
Kieran English - Photography
Damian English - Photography
Matt Vickerstaff - Graphics, Layout

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