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Orden Ogan - 'My Worst Enemy' (official music video)

It's the enemy inside your head
To live with it is worse than being dead
When thoughts are spinning round and round
And you feel to scream but there's no sound

Dreams are made to misguide you
Create the hell that you go through

My worst enemy - has always been myself
My worst enemy - guides me into darkness
My worst enemy - has fought me all my life
An extinguishing light in the end

And within your mind you wage a war
With battles fought a thousand times before
The voice within will never cease
And nothing ever’ll give you peace

You craft the chains that will bind you
And wherever you run you will find you
(I feel the end is coming)

My worst enemy - has always been myself
My worst enemy - guides me into darkness
My worst enemy - has fought me all my life
An extinguishing light in the end

My worst enemy - has always been myself
My worst enemy - guides me into darkness
My worst enemy - has fought me all my life
An extinguishing light in the end
...Please extinguish my light in the end

Orden Ogan - 'My Worst Enemy'
Με νέο τραγούδι - single υποδέχονται το 2024 οι Orden Ogan. Τιτλοφορείται "My Worst Enemy" και κυκλοφορεί ήδη (από τις 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2024) σε ψηφιακή μορφή μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Reigning Phoenix Music (πρώην Atomic Fire Records), η οποία μας λέει σχετικά:

«German power metallers Orden Ogan show their vulnerable side and get as personal as never before with their new single “My Worst Enemy”.

It’s a power ballad, reaching out to those who suffer from anxiety, depression and self-doubt, making them known that they’re not alone.

It’s about being the one yourself who stands in your own way, getting lost in dark thoughts and negativity all the time and always fall for the same mistakes over and over again.»

Το τραγούδι προετοιμάζει το έδαφος για το νέο full length album των Γερμανών power metallers ("The Order Of Fear") που αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει το καλοκαίρι. Οι Orden Ogan υπάρχουν στο μουσικό σύμπαν από το μακρινό 1996 έχοντας κυκλοφορήσει οκτώ "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους, ένα live album, ένα βίντεο (διπλό dvd συν διπλό cd για την ακρίβεια), μία συλλογή, τρία demos και μπόλικα singles.

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