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Númenor | 'Lost in the Twilight Hall' | ft. Emil Norberg (Persuader)

Awaiting my last breath
the mirror calls my name
it's showing me the way
into the dark
the bridge appears
I jump into the dark side
and hear the voice it's cold as ice
"Welcome to reality"

Where am I now?
Darkness surrounds
can't go forward
can't go back

I see planets dying
I fall into the light
A new universe awakes
I'm a Traveller in Time
Pray for the light
Where's the key
To the gate
Of a new life - no
I search for deliverance
But I cannot find

Ref.: Look behind the mirror
I'm lost in the twilight hall
Once I'll be back for a moment in time
That's when the mirror's falling down

Take me away
From the place I've been
To another life
In another world
A sign of life
Surrounds me now
The bridge appears in the dark
I'm free
I fly alone
Leaving the darkness now, forever?
The memories of children
And the wisdom of many lifes
Burns deep in me
Where will the light go to?
Where will the light go to?
Is this deliverance?
Is it the end?

Ref.: Look...

I'm back there's a new chance for me
And all my memories are gone
I can feel what's happening to me
And the mirror will burst

Ref.: Look... (2x)

Tales From the Edge of Time
Númenor, ένα ακόμη συγκρότημα με όνομα εμπνευσμένο από τον κόσμο που δημιούργησε ο J.R.R. Tolkien. Μας έρχονται από την Σερβία και αρέσκονται στο πομπώδες / συμφωνικό power metal με black metal "πινελιές" (κυρίως στα φωνητικά), αν και η μπάντα "υπογράφει απλά ως "Epic Power Metal". "Sword and Sorcery Metal" αποκαλούν το μουσικό τους ύφος.

Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει τέσσερις "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους (με πλέον πρόσφατο το album "Draconian Age" που "βγήκε" πρόπερσι), τέσσερα EPs, ισάριθμα singles και δύο split (μαζί με τους Forlorn Wisp το ένα και με τους Advent Sorrow το άλλο).

Το νέο τους δισκογραφικό πόνημα είναι συλλογή, τιτλοφορείται "Tales From the Edge of Time", κυκλοφόρησε πέρυσι και αφορά τους Blind Guardian, καθώς όλα τα τραγούδια πλην ενός (του επιλογικού "Make the Stand") είναι διασκευές.

Στον δίσκο συμμετέχει μία πλειάδα καλεσμένων μουσικών όπως οι Chris Rörland, Jens Carlsson, Charles Rytkönen, Christian Eriksson, Emil Norberg και Hansi Kürsch...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Few years ago I met with Mark Frostenäs in Belgrade and I started to work with him on Blind Guardian biography book. The whole idea about Blind Guardian tribute album was actually born a year later when we working on biography.

Númenor’s cover of Valhalla (from 2016) has already met a great response, within Blind Guardian’s fan base, so I was originally thinking to make one mini album with 4 cover songs from Blind Guardian, but later this idea has turned into something else and we were thinking to make full-length release with 8 to 10 songs.

Moreover, we wanted to concentrated on Blind Guardian’s early days and on their first 4 classic records. I always wanted to cover some of their ‘’forgotten songs’’ and to bring them again into life so we decided to include such songs as Fast to Madness.

In the very beginning I though that this will be quite easy and that we will record all the songs in just a 3 or 4 months but later it turned out to be much complex and longer work.

So it took us almost two years to complete all the songs. Also, more and more guest musicians joined us in our recording’s sessions and they took their roles in order to participate in this Blind Guardian tribute.

At the end of the day we ended up working with Chris Rörland (Sabaton), Jens Carlsson and Emil Norberg (Persuader, ex-Savage Circus), Christian Eriksson (ex-Twiligh Force), legendary vocalist Charles Rytkonen (Morgana Lefay).

Furthermore, we included on this album as a special track remixed and remastered version of Make the Stand feat. Hans Kürsch (Blind Guardian, ex-Demons & Wizards) We also choose a great cover artwork from Yulia Zhuchova.

We’ve already worked before with her so it was more then obvious choice since she is also a huge fun of Blind Guardian.

I named the album Tales From the Edge of Time since I think that its best reflects the whole atmosphere and lyrical influences. I would like to give a special thanks to Hansi Kürsch and Mark Frostenäs for helping me to finish this very complex project.»

Band: Númenor
Country of origin: Serbia
Location: Belgrade
Formed in: 2009
Genre: Epic Power Metal
Lyrical themes: Fantasy, Literature
Years active: 2004-2005 (as Franconian Frost), 2005-2009 (as Esgaroth), 2009-present

Audio: "Lost in the Twilight Hall"
Music: Blind Guardian
Lyrics: Hansi Kürsch

Album: "Tales From the Edge of Time"
Type: Compilation
Release date: April 7th, 2023
Label: Elevate Records
Format: Digital

Track listing:
01. Majesty feat. Chris Rörland (Sabaton)
02. Valhalla feat. Chris Rörland (Sabaton)
03. Run for the Night feat. Jens Karlsson (Pesuader, ex-Savage Circus)
04. Welcome to Dying feat. Charles Rytkonen (Morgana Lefay)
05. Lord of the Rings feat. Christian Eriksson (ex-Twilight Force)
06. Theatre of Pain feat. Charles Rytkonen (Morgana Lefay)
07. Lost in the Twilight Hall feat. Emil Norberg (Persuaser, ex-Savage Circus)
08. Damned for all Time
09. Fast to Madness
10. Make the Stand feat. Hansi Kürsch (Blind Guardian, ex-Demons and Wizards)

➢ Track 1 and 3 are originally from Battalions of Fear
➢ Track 2, 8 and 9 are originally from Follow the Blind
➢ Track 4, 5 and 7 are originally from Tales from the Twilight World
➢ Track 6 is originally from Somewhere Far Beyond
➢ Track 10 is originally from Make the Stand

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