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Drifter - 'Beggars Ransom' (official audio)

You want to stay awhile
But they won’t let you go at all
tonight Run away, just take your life
And if you’ve played it right

Just stay put right there
When the sunrise comes

In the night nowhere
You should have run, and hide
Yet there you are

He holds the cards
Beggars Ransom...

When I want it
When I need it
When I stepped out to the night
When I’m searching
for the answer
And then something just ain’t right
Hands are dealt in tandem...

And I just can’t move too fast away
Cause the Beggar holds the Ransom...

Beggars Ransom

Searches in the streets

there’s a Devil in my brain
Someone’s claim has staken him
The Fire Burns It’s Way I can’t escape the pressure...

Someone flipped the switch

Now I can’t control - the Beggars Ransom

He holds the secrets
You wish to know
You’d give your soul to understand
But it’s not for you
Only time
Show you the way
To Burn...

Drifter - 'Beggars Ransom'
Με τους Drifter είχαμε πρωτασχοληθεί πέρυσι με αφορμή την κυκλοφορία του "Demo 2012". Πλέον το Αμερικάνικο heavy metal ντουέτο (Leo Kabat, James Lewis) μας παρουσιάζει το νέο του δισκογραφικό πόνημα.

Πρόκειται για single δύο τραγουδιών, το οποίο φέρει τον τίτλο "Beggars Ransom", αποτελείται από δύο τραγούδια ("Beggars Ransom", "Run On") και έχει προγραμματισθεί να κυκλοφορήσει (σε επτάρι βινύλιο και ψηφιακή μορφή) στα μέσα του πρώτου χειμερινού μήνα (15 Δεκεμβρίου 2023) μέσω της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Dying Victims Productions...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Just when you thought the dust had settled, Drifter return, whipping the very horse they rode in on. And this time, they’re fit to drink the whole well dry.

Best return the other horses to the stable... Or better yet, just put ‘em down. Yes, Drifter plays for keeps with their new 7" single entitled Beggars Ransom, featuring two classy cuts sure to leave you dead in your tracks.

Think what you want about today’s musical landscape, but Drifter are one of the few bands playing with a full deck. With no fixed address, Drifter are staking claim from the US territories - which may come as a surprise upon listening.

Not many bands are so capably selling NWOBHM by the pound, but Drifter seems to have, for whatever reason, gotten the best exchange rate. Not a pale imitation neither - true fans of the genre will hear right away.»

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