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Oblivion Protocol | 'The Fall (Part 1)' | Official Lyric Video

King star fighter painter guide clerk
Maker writer king star fighter painter
Guide clerk maker king

Once there was a king with one demand
How was he supposed to tame the land?
He summoned his advisors to his hall
And asked for their solutions to it all

Put something in the water
Put something in the air
Make them work for longer
Till they’re too tired to care
Close down all the borders
To start another way
Stop them being families
Strike them at their core

Solemly the king said yes to all
Closed his eyes and let the hammer fall
And when the people started to resist
He added more solutions to the list

Put something in the water
Something on the land
Censor what you show them
So they won’t understand
Flood the nights with neon
So their bodies never heal
Synthesis a crisis
To cover up what’s real

Solemly the king said yes to all

'Oblivion Protocol - 'The Fall of the Shires'
«When my Threshold bandmates decided not to record a sequel to the 'Legends of the Shires' story. I knew I wanted to stay in that world a little longer, so I wrote my own sequel called 'The Fall of the Shires'. I just did it for myself at first, but when it was finished I started to wonder about releasing it» μας λέει ο (πληκτράς των Threshold) Richard West και κάπως έτσι δημιουργήθηκαν οι Oblivion Protocol.

Το ντεμπούτο τους ("The Fall of the Shires") θα κυκλοφορήσει τον επόμενο μήνα (18 Αυγούστου 2023) μέσω της Atomic Fire Records, ενώ την μπάντα συμπληρώνουν ο κιθαρίστας (των Within Temptation, Maiden United κλπ) Ruud Jolie, ο μπασίστας (των Darkwater και πρώην των Pain of Salvation) Simon Andersson και ο drummer Darby Todd.

Δελτίο τύπου: «At its best, prog can be a safe haven from the storm outside, a soothing experience with healing and escapist qualities. Genuine musicianship, pure emotion and a penchant for supreme melody make this music a journey, an experience for which records and headphones were invented in the first place.

At the forefront of prog music stands Richard West, renowned keyboard wizard and songwriter for British prog metal pioneers Threshold for over 30 years. Six years after their epic masterpiece "Legends of the Shires", West returns to these shores to deliver a long-awaited sequel.

Not under the Threshold moniker, mind you. But with a brand new supergroup. Prog fans far and wide, rejoice: Oblivion Protocol are here. And they bring us "The Fall of the Shires".

We can be very thankful for that: Oblivion Protocol will immediately claim a place in the hearts of every prog connoisseur, delivering a dense, climactic sound somewhere between Rush, Steven Wilson, "Dark Side of the Moon" era Pink Floyd and occult hard rock masters Ghost.»

Παρακολουθούμε το lyric video του εναρκτήριου τραγουδιού "The Fall (Part 1)", για το οποίο ο Richard West μας λέει σχετικά: «This was the first song I wrote for "The Fall of The Shires" and was originally intended for Threshold. You'll notice that it has a strong melodic connection to the opening song from "Legends of The Shires" and also features a beautiful guest solo by Threshold's Karl Groom.»

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