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On The Loose - 'Chasm of fallen illusions' (lyric video)

A forlorn inflated sail
Like a darkened autumn leaf
Borne upon a fateful gale
Cast adrift with no relief

Far above the chasm of old
Ends a story left untold
Gaping gorge, black abyss
Where illusions rest in peace

And the souls in Hades cried
Gazing up at the celestial ride
Sentenced so by satanic writ
To descend into the pitiless pit

Down into the dark and cold
Fell the craven and the bold
Where the dreams have come to die
Where the dead illusions lie

A leaf adrift up in the sky
Flies above unholy tombs
Of delusions gone awry
In disgrace that ever looms

In the darkness far below
No winds will ever blow
Under heaven, under hell
Where at last illusions fell
Where at last illusions fell

On The Loose - 'Dark Emotions'
«From the depths of solitude, greed, wrath, envy, lust and sloth I am The devil on the loose». Κάπως έτσι μας συστήνονται οι On the Loose. Πρόκειται για μπάντα επικού doom metal, η οποία μας έρχεται από την Πορτογαλία.

«This an Epic Doom Metal project supposedly to be instrumental with an orchestra, but after waiting an eternity for 3 conductors i decided to invite Lino to sing a few voice lines and now it is what it is. Hope that you enjoy.»

Οι On the Loose έχουν κυκλοφορήσει δύο singles και -πέρυσι- το ομώνυμο ντεμπούτο τους. Ο διάδοχός του φέρει τον τίτλο "Dark Emotions" και "βγήκε" προ τριμήνου σε ψηφιακή μορφή και στις αρχές Απριλίου σε cd...

Bio: «From the depths of a doomed winter the entity was summoned to unleash the seven furys from hell. With pride, seven manuscripts were produced on vellum to ilustrate the greed of mankind.

At midnight the bell ringer with all his envy ringed the bell, suddenly a turmoil of lust was spreaded all over with the help of the cold invernal wind.

Not all went like in the writings, sloth found a way to delay the process but the wrath of solitude took over and two demons descended to end the ritual. Open your hearts, the Devil is on the loose.»

Band: On the Loose
Country of origin: Portugal
Location: Tavira, Faro
Genre: Epic Doom Metal

Lyric video: "Chasm of fallen illusions"
Video by: Carlos Guimarães
Album: "Dark Emotions"
Type: Full length
Release date: February 26th, 2023 (Digital)
Release date: April 7th, 2023 (CD)
Label: Independent

João Ventura - Drums
Marco Marouco - Guitars
Pedro Fialho Jesus - Vocals

João Covas - Bass

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