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Manowar - 'Sleipnir' (official lyric video)

He is descended from giants. His father loki,
God of fire, is the sworn blood brother to
Odin himself. He rides across land, sea and air
From the land of the living, to the land of
The dead. This eight legged steed crosses eight
Points of the compass, from eight directions
Into eight dimensions. He is bringer of the
Valiant dead from the battlefield to valhalla!

Carry we who die in battle
Over land and sea
Across the rainbow bridge to valhalla
Odin's waiting for me

He was born of giants
His icy coat is grey
At night he rides into the world of death
The living by day

One day on his back I shall ride
From the battlefield into the sky
Borne by valkyries we valiant dead
Into the hall of heroes shall be led

Ride down from asgard
To the battlefield
Bringer of the valiant dead
Who died but never yielded

Carry we who die in battle
Over land and sea
Across the rainbow bridge to valhalla
Odin's waiting for me

Faster then the fastest horse alive
The living son of fire rides
From the halls of asgard across the sky
To the world of gods and men

Eight legs and magic runes
Carved upon his teeth
Thunder and lightning
Sound beneath his feet
On his back the war god odin rides
Sword and magic spear held high

Ride down from asgard
To the battlefield
Bringer of the valiant dead
Who died but never yielded

Carry we who die in battle
Over land and sea
Across the rainbow bridge to valhalla
Odin's waiting for me

Μία δεκαπενταετία πίσω μας γυρίζουν οι Manowar και μας παρουσιάζουν το lyric video του τραγουδιού "Sleipnir", το οποίο γνωρίσαμε στον δίσκο των Αμερικανών metallers "Gods of War" που κυκλοφόρησε τον Φεβρουάριο του 2007.

Sleipnir ονομάζεται το άλογο του θεού Όντιν (Odin), έχει οκτώ πόδια και είναι γιος του Λόκι (Loki) από την ένωσή του με το άλογο Svaðilfari όταν ο ίδιος είχε μεταμορφωθεί σε φοράδα! Για το τραγούδι και το lyric video οι Manowar μας λένε σχετικά:

Featured on Manowar’s concept album “Gods Of War” which is based on Norse mythology, the song “Sleipnir” is dedicated to the mythical eight-legged horse of the same name. Sleipnir is the son of the god Loki (in the form of a mare) and the stallion Svadilfari and is primarily ridden by the great god Odin.

With his eight legs, he can carry a rider anywhere within the nine realms of Norse cosmology in record time. He possesses the power to move easily between realms, including the realm of the dead, which earned him his name, which means "the sliding one".

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