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Nordic Union - 'This Means War' (official music video)

The hands of time
We walk into
What lies ahead
It's our moment of truth

Forever sealed
Our eyes can't see
Som many tried
It's our fall into greed

What's done is done
We can not turn back time

Cause this means war
There's no way we can escape
We run with the wolves
It's war
And we're gonna lay it all to waste
Cause this means war

So many words
But fewer deeds
Will push us down
On our hands and our knees

The razors edge
Will scream for blood
We hear all the cries
From the ones that we loved

What's done is done
We can not turn back time

Cause this means war
There's no way we can escape
We run with the wolves
It's war
And we're gonna lay it all to waste

Το συγκρότημα Nordic Union σχηματίσθηκε προ επταετίας από τον τραγουδιστή των Pretty Maids, Ronnie Atkins και τον Erik Martensson (βλέπε Eclipse και W.E.T.). Στις αρχές του 2016 κυκλοφόρησε το ντεμπούτο, το οποίο έφερε ως τίτλο το όνομα της μπάντας. Το δεύτερο "χτύπημα" βγήκε το 2018 και τιτλοφορείται "Second Coming". Πλέον η μπάντα βρίσκεται στην τελική ευθεία για την κυκλοφορία του τρίτου της δίσκου, ο οποίος φέρει τον τίτλο "Animalistic" και αναμένεται στα ξεκινήματα του Αυγούστου...

Ο δίσκος των Nordic Union 'Animalistic'
Δελτίο τύπου: «Nordic Union, the ongoing musical collaboration between legendary Danish rock singer Ronnie Atkins (Pretty Maids) and prolific Swedish songwriter and producer Erik Martensson (Eclipse, W.E.T.), have announced their third album, "Animalistic".

As has been well documented at this point, Atkins was recently given a stage four cancer diagnosis, but rather than sit at home and sulk, the legendary frontman has thrown himself into creating more music. March 2021 saw the release of his solo album, "One Shot", which was followed almost one year to the day later in March 2022 by another solo album, "Make It Count".

Not satisfied with resting on his laurels, Atkins partnered up with Martensson in late 2021 and early 2022 to work on Nordic Union's third album, "Animalistic". Fans of previous Nordic Union's album will find nothing but pure melodic hard rock joy to soak in on this third opus.

Martensson, on an absolute creative, and commercial, winning streak with the most recent Eclipse albums, wrote the bulk of the album with contributions from Atkins and Miqael Persson, and also produced, mixed, and mastered the album.

The results are nothing short of inspired and delightful. A true testament to the skills and talent of both Atkins and Martensson. The partnership between the two musicians started in 2015, when Frontiers President and Head of A&R, Serafino Perugino had the idea to bring the two together to create some uncompromising Scandinavian melodic hard rock.

Martensson worked on some demos and sent them off to Atkins for him to hear. The enthusiastic reaction from Atkins sparked a brand new musical alliance that culminated in Nordic Union’s self-titled debut album, which was released in January 2016.

Musically, the duo presented a hybrid of the more melodic aspects of Pretty Maids’ sound mixed with elements of Eclipse, Talisman, and W.E.T., while still possessing their own identity. Following requests from fans for a follow up to the debut, the two musicians decided to give Nordic Union another shot, so after a few months of production, “Second Coming” was finished and unleashed in October 2018.

Every aspect of the album screamed QUALITY. The songwriting was of the highest standards, the musicianship faultless, and the production top notch, crisp and clear as a bell. Atkins deftly demonstrated throughout the album that he knows how to use his voice effectively at any given point in a song.

Heavy riffs, soaring vocals, thumping beats, and a grand ballad... this album had it all and flowed perfectly with songs that are memorable, rocking, and of course, melodic. Come 2022, fans can one again expect to be floored by another gem from Nordic Union!»

Band: Nordic Union
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Stockholm
Formed in: 2015
Genre: Hard rock
Years active: 2015-present

Video: "This Means War"
Music: Erik Martensson
Lyrics: Erik Martensson

Album: "Animalistic"
Type: Full length
Release date: August 5th, 2022
Label: Frontiers Music srl
Format: CD, Vinyl

Track listing:
01. On This Day I Fight
02. In Every Waking Hour
03. If I Could Fly
04. Riot
05. This Means War
06. Scream
07. Animalistic
08. Wildfire
09. Shot In The Dark
10. Last Man Alive
11. King For A Day

Ronnie Atkins - Lead & Backing Vocals
Erik Martensson - Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Bass, Keyboards and Backing Vocals

Additional Musicians:
Fredrik Folkare - Lead Guitar
Henrik Eriksson - Drums
Thomas Larsson - Lead Guitar on "Scream", "Riot", & "Last Man Alive"

Produced by: Erik Martensson
Mixed & Mastered by: Erik Martensson
Executive Producer/A&R: Serafino Perugino

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