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On Atlas' Shoulders - "Age of Fire" (A Dark Souls tribute)

Ο δίσκος των On Atlas' Shoulders "Hyperion"
There is a name
That echoes throughout history
Legends speak
Of mankind's darkest victory
A lord of flames
Who ushered in a new era
His life bound to the ashes
To link the fire

The warmth keeps all life
From wither and decaying rot
These embers will hold
The hollow darkness at bay

There's a kiln in this world
Where the ashes always swirl
And when times became too dire
It kindled the age of fire

Let me bring to you this song
Of a tale from times long gone
And why we stand here today
Is because of that kiln's white flame

Of light, of dark,
Of the soul and of the heart
Of our dreams,
So painful in their pursuit
Of struggling,
We never cease to contest
There's a fire that leads
The way and lets us rest

Like a moth to the flame,
Seeking shelter to burn again
An iron will, forged in fire,
We carry on, we shall not falter

There's a kiln in this world
Where the ashes always swirl
And when times became too dire
It kindled the age of fire

Let me bring to you this song
Of a tale from times long gone
And why we stand here today
Is because of that kiln's white flame

Οι On Atlas' Shoulders μας έρχονται από την Γερμανία. Συγκρότημα επικού heavy metal, το οποίο δημιουργήθηκε προ τριετίας και μας παρουσιάζεται κάπως έτσι: «On Atlas' Shoulders - Epic Heavy Metal of the highest order!»

"Invictus" τιτλοφορείται το ντεμπούτο τους που κυκλοφόρησε το περασμένο καλοκαίρι (Ιούνιος 2020) με τον διάδοχό του να είναι προ των πυλών. Φέρει τον τίτλο "Hyperion". Το έδαφος προετοιμάζει το single "Age of Fire", οι στίχοι του οποίου είναι εμπνευσμένοι από την σειρά βιντεοπαιχνιδιών "Dark Souls".

Παρακολουθούμε το video clip του τραγουδιού, ενώ στο δεύτερο βίντεο δύο από τα μέλη της μπάντας (ο Marius Bönisch και ο Ben Chadwick) αναλύουν μουσικά και στιχουργικά το τραγούδι και μας λένε που "κολλάει" ο... Μπαχ σε όλα αυτά...

Δελτίο τύπου: «On February 19, 2021, the ambitious Frankfurt-based band released the music video for the song "Age Of Fire". Lyrically, the song from the upcoming album "Hyperion" presents an epic fantasy story about hope and despair, strongly inspired by the theme of the popular Dark Souls video game series.

"Age Of Fire" is the first single from the upcoming album "Hyperion" and was written by the band while they were locked down in Germany during the lockdown. Musically, this Traditional/Power Metal epic features catchy melodies and backing vocals, a Neo-classical double guitar solo and eruptive double bass thrusts.

Lyrically, "Age Of Fire" is set as an epic fantasy tale of hope and despair, heavily inspired by the theme of the popular Dark Souls video game series. You love it completely individual, contagiously fervent, thoroughly inspired as well as with the greatest possible devotion? Then get prepared for 100 % genuine and overwhelming listenable EPIC HEAVY METAL of the highest order!

On Atlas' Shoulders stands for uplifting, memorable melodies, an impressive vocal range and moving backing vocals combined with harmonized guitar riffs! Powerful solos and thundering double bass characterize the enormously beefy sound of these quickly convincing German hopefuls.

The outstanding gifted formation was founded in late 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany, by highly soulful vocalist Marius Bönisch and guitarist Ben Chadwick - completed by axeman Björn Anders and drummer Leonard Pick. On Atlas' Shoulders released their elevating debut album "Invictus" in June 2020, laying a strong foundation in the global Heavy Metal scene.

Their second full-length assault "Hyperion" delivers anthemic, combative and gripping material from start to finish - an exquisite album for connoisseurs and appreciators that is as very deeply thought-out as it is captivating. "Hyperion" will hail the world in summer 2021!»

Band: On Atlas' Shoulders
Country of origin: Germany
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Hesse
Formed in: 2018
Genre: Epic Heavy Metal
Years active: 2018-present

1st video: "Age of Fire"
Production: Stereo 27 Productions
2nd video: Behind the Scenes

Album: "Hyperion"
Type: Full length
Release date: Summer 2021
Label: Independent

Track listing:
01. The Executioner 03:21
02. 5 Billion Years 03:39
03. Ruins 03:59
04. When Heavens Collide 05:55
05. Age of Fire 02:59
06. To the Wolves 04:00
07. Flight of the Falcon 04:10
08. Interceptor, Truth Protector 03:55
09. Biohazard 03:03
10. Brothers in Arms 04:53

Band members:
Marius Bönisch - Vocals
Ben Chadwick - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Björn Anders - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Ben Chadwick - Bass
Leonard Pick - Drums

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