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Fifth Angel - "The Third Secret" (trailer #2)

Στην επιστροφή των Fifth Angel και στον καινούριο δίσκο που ετοίμαζαν είχαμε αναφερθεί εγκαίρως. Οι Αμερικανοί melodic metallers θα κυκλοφορήσουν στα τέλη του μήνα τον τρίτο "ολοκληρωμένο" δίσκο τους, ο οποίος θα είναι ο πρώτος μετά από 29 χρόνια (τόσα περάσανε από την κυκλοφορία του "Time Will Tell")...

Fifth Angel: «Second trailer for 'The Third Secret' is out! In this episode, you will find song excerpts from the upcoming album, including "The Third Secret", "We Will Rise", "Dust To Dust" and "This Is War"!»

Band: Fifth Angel
Country of origin: United States
Location: Bellevue, Washington
Formed in: 1984
Genre: Power Metal
Lyrical themes: Fantasy, Destiny, Power, Love
Years active: 1984-1989, 2010, 2017-present

Το 2ο trailer του δίσκου των Fifth Angel "The Third Secret"
Video: Album trailer (pt. II)
Album: "The Third Secret"
Type: Full length
Release date: October 26th, 2018
Label: Nuclear Blast
Format: CD, 12" vinyl, Digital

Track listing:
01. Stars Are Falling
02. We Will Rise
03. Queen Of Thieves
04. Dust To Dust
05. Can You Hear Me
06. This Is War
07. Fatima
08. Third Secret
09. Shame On You
10. Hearts Of Stone

Band members:
Ken Mary - Drums, Vocals (backing), String arrangements, Keyboards
John Macko - Bass
Kendall Bechtel - Vocals (lead), Guitars (acoustic, lead, rhythm), Keyboards

Miscellaneous staff:
Connor Hurley - Recording, Engineering
Brad Blackwood - Mastering
Marcello Vasco - Layout
Zsofia Dankova - Artwork, Cover art
Ken K. Mary - Producer, Recording, Mixing
Kendall Bechtel - Recording, Engineering
John Macko - Recording, Engineering
Steve Conley - Recording, Engineering

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