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Manticora - "Echoes of a Silent Scream" (video)

Το video των Manticora για το "Echoes of a Silent Scream" από το album "To Kill to Live to Kill"
Δισκογραφική επιστροφή για τους Manticora μετά από οκτώ χρόνια. Ο διάδοχος του album "Safe" (2010) και όγδοος συνολικά δίσκος των Δανών metallers τιτλοφορείται "To Kill to Live to Kill" κι αναμένεται στις αρχές Αυγούστου. Νέα μέλη στην μπάντα (σε σχέση με τον προηγούμενο δίσκο) είναι ο μπασίστας Sebastian Andersen και ο κιθαρίστας Sebastian Andersen που ενσωματώθηκαν στο συγκρότημα το 2014...

Δελτίο τύπου: «Danish thrash/power metallers, Manticora, are presenting the new album "To Kill to Live to Kill". This is the first part of another Manticora concept double-album, that will be released as two separate albums, one year apart. It´s based on the horror novel that was written by the lead singer, Lars F. Larsen, and the artwork resembles the stories of the novel.

The music was recorded and mixed in Hansen Studios, with World-famous producer, Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Destruction, Persefone) who also produced the first two Manticora albums back in the last millenium, and vocals were recorded with Tommy Hansen at Jailhouse studios (Helloween, Beyond Twilight, Jorn, a.o.).»

Band: Manticora
Country of origin: Denmark
Location: Hvidovre
Formed in: 1996
Genre: Power Metal
Lyrical themes: Literature, Fantasy, Science fiction
Years active: 1996-1997 (as Manticore), 1997-present

Video: "Echoes of a Silent Scream"
Album: "To Kill to Live to Kill"
Type: Full length
Release date: August 3rd, 2018
Label: ViciSolum Productions
Format: CD

Track listing:
01. Piano Concerto 1: B Flat minor... 01:00
02. Echoes of a Silent Scream 06:03
03. Through the Eyes of the Killer: Towering Over You 06:15
04. Katana: Awakening the Lunacy 07:04
05. The Farmer's Tale (Part 1: The Aftermath of Indifference) 06:35
06. The Devil in Lisbon(instr) 05:40
07. Growth 09:19
08. Humiliation Supreme (instr) 02:43
09. Nothing Lasts Forever 05:48
10. Katana: Opium 05:44
11. Through The Eyes of the Killer: Revival of the Muse That Is Violence 07:28
12. The Farmer's Tale (Part 2: Annihilation at the Graves) 06:13

Band members:
Kristian H. Larsen - Guitars
Lars F. Larsen - Vocals
Sebastian Andersen - Bass
Stefan Johansson - Guitars

Guest/Session: Lawrence Dinamarca - Drums

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