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Doro - "Lift Me Up" (video)

Ο δέκατος τρίτος full length δίσκος της Doro είναι προ των πυλών. Ο διάδοχος του album "Raise Your Fist" (2012) της Γερμανίδας τραγουδίστριας τιτλοφορείται "Forever Warriors, Forever United", πρόκειται για διπλό δίσκο κι αναμένεται στα μέσα Αυγούστου...

Artist / Band: Doro
Country of origin: Germany
Location: Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia
Formed in: 1989
Genre: Heavy Metal
Lyrical themes: Heavy Metal, Force, Glory, Wildness, Love
Years active: 1989-present

Το video της Doro για το "Lift Me Up" από το album "Forever Warriors, Forever United"
Video: "Lift Me Up"
Album: "Forever Warriors, Forever United"
Type: Full length
Release date: August 17th, 2018
Label: Nuclear Blast
Format: 2CD

Disc 1 - Forever Warriors (track listing):
01. All for Metal
02. Bastardos
03. If I Can’t Have You - No One Will
04. Soldiers of Metal
05. Turn It Up
06. Blood, Sweat and Rock ‘n’ Roll
07. Don’t Break My Heart Again
08. Love’s Gone To Hell
09. Freunde Fürs Leben
10. Backstage to Heaven
11. Be Strong
12. Black Ballad
13. Bring My Hero Back Home Again

Disc 2 - Forever United (track listing):
01. Résistance
02. Lift Me Up
03. Heartbroken
04. It Cuts So Deep
05. Love is A Sin
06. Living Life to the Fullest
07. 1000 Years
08. Fight Through the Fire
09. Lost in the Ozone
10. Caruso
11. Tra Como E Coriovallum (instrumental)
12. Metal is My Alcohol

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