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ShadowKeep - "Horse Of War" (audio)

Δισκογραφική επιστροφή για τους ShadowKeep μετά από δέκα χρόνια. Η Αγγλική γκρουπάρα, με την συνδρομή του (τιτάνα) James Rivera στα φωνητικά, θα κυκλοφορήσει στα τέλη του μήνα τον διάδοχο του "The Hourglass Effect" (2008) και τέταρτο "ολοκληρωμένο" δίσκο της με τίτλο το όνομα της μπάντας. Ακούμε το single "Horse Of War"...

Δελτίο τύπου: «10 years ShadowKeep fans waited for a new album. 2018 the band is now striking back with a new singer and a new album. Nobody else than James Rivera from Helstar joined the quintet from England!

So it is no wonder that the image of ShadowKeep will change now a little bit. In the past ShadowKeep were compared with the more progressive Queensryche or Crimson Glory.

The Comeback album will go more into the direction of classic 80's US-Metal, because James Rivera and his remarkable voice is putting his stamp on the eleven fresh songs, so that the listener is reminded of the beautiful days of Helstar, Destiny's End or New Eden. Is there any chance that the new year can start any better?»

Το τραγούδι των ShadowKeep "Horse Of War" από τον ομώνυμο δίσκο
Band: ShadowKeep
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Location: Guildford, England
Status: Active
Formed in: 1999
Genre: Progressive Power Metal
Years active: 1999-present

Audio: "Horse Of War"
Album: "ShadowKeep"
Type: Full length
Release date: March 30th, 2018
Label: Pure Steel Records
Format: CD

Track listing:
01. Atlantis
02. Guardian Of The Sea
03. Flight Across The Sand
04. Horse Of War
05. Little Lion
06. Angels And Omens
07. Isolation
08. Never Forgotten
09. The Sword Of Damocles
10. Immortal Drifter
11. Minotaur

Band members:
James Rivera - vocals
Chris Allen - guitars
Stony Grantham - bass
Omar Hayes - drums
Nikki Robson - guitars

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