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Neptune - "Protector" (video)

Οι Neptune μας έρχονται από την Σουηδία. Δημιουργήθηκαν (ως Warriens) στα τέλη των 70ies, μετονομάσθηκαν σε Neptune κυκλοφορώντας τρία demos, διαλύθηκαν το 1987 κι επανήλθαν τριάντα χρόνια αργότερα, δηλαδή... φέτος! Το μουσικό τους ύφος κυμαίνεται (κατά δήλωση των ιδίων) ανάμεσα σε Manowar και Heavy Load. Τον Φεβρουάριο του νέου έτους θα κυκλοφορήσει η συλλογή "Land of Northern" με όλα τα ηχογραφήματα της Σουηδικής μπάντας. Ευκαιρία να τους μάθετε (μάθουμε) όσοι αρέσκεστε (αρεσκόμαστε) στο σχετικό ύφος...

Band: Neptune
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Botkyrka
Status: Active
Genre: Heavy Metal
Lyrical themes: Battles
Years active: 1979-? (as Warriens), ?-1987, 2017-present

Neptune - "Protector" (video) from the album "Land of Northern"
Video: "Protector"
Album: "Land of Northern"
Type: Compilation
Release date: February 2018
Label: Cult Metal Classics
Format: CD

Track listing:
01. Protector
02. The Horse
03. A Child
04. Life Power
05. Lovegame
06. Ready To Fight
07. Hard To Be Right
08. Land Of Northern
09. East Side Of Town
10. Afraid Of The Beast
11. Poem
12. Enemies
13. Burglary Man

Songs 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 were recorded in Soundtrade Studios Solna 1986. All songs were recorded and mastered by Alar Suurna. Songwriters and musicians: Rowland Alex, Tommy Mikk, Andy Olson, Ray Alex, Johnny Oyster.

Song 5 was recorded in Europa Film studios 1985. Songwriters and musicians: Rowland Alex, Tommy Mikk, Andy Olson, Ray Alex, Johnny Oyster.

Songs 6, 7 was recorded in Nyköping recording 1987. Songwriters and musicians: Rowland Alex, Tommy Mikk, Andy Olson, Ray Alex, Jonas Edler, Jonas Wikström.

Song 8 was recorded in RCA Electra 1988. Songwriters and musicians: Ray Alex, Jonas Sandkvist.

Songs 9, 10 was recorded in "unknown". Songwriters and musicians: Jan Granvik, Mats Förare, Björn Melander, Ray Alex.

Songs 11, 12 was recorded in "unknown". Musicians: Jan Granvik, Mats Förare, Björn Melander, Ray Alex. Songwriters: Rowland Alex, Tommy Mikk, Andy Olson, Ray Alex, Johnny Oyster.

Band members:
Roland Alexandersson (Rowland Alex) - Bass
Tommy Mikkonen (Tommy Mikk) - Drums & Keyboard
Anders Olsson (Andy Olsson) - Guitar
Reine Alexandersson (Ray Alex) - Vocals
Johnny Östergren (Johnny Oyster) - Guitar

Other members who played in Neptune are:
Jan Granvik - Guitar
Björn Melander - Bass
Mats Förare - Drums
Jonas Edler - Guitar
Jonas Wikström - Drums

Δελτίο τύπου: «Neptune need no special introduction. Widely considered by most heavy metal gurus as one of the best unsigned Epic Metal bands from Sweden in the 80's. With an image and song writing style like a cross between Heavy Load and Manowar, the band penned some great classic heavy metal tunes and managed to gain a cult status among demo collectors and underground metal fans around the globe.

Thanks to Swedish metal guru and guitar wizard Janne Stark, we made a recording deal with the band and we agreed to reissue their 13 classic songs on vinyl and CD, with the CD version estimated to come out by February of 2018. The album will be entitled "Land of Northern" and it will be a fantastic 16 page limited special edition, featuring remastered sound, song lyrics, band photos and story and original fantasy cover artwork.

To celebrate the upcoming reissue, Reine Alexandersson (Ray Alex) made an official video of one of the band's best compositions, "Protector", which we wholeheartedly share with you! MAJOR WARNING! This is not just another Swedish metal band. This is KILLER majestic Swedish steel that deserves a place up there with the best. Forever HAIL!!!»

"Protector" - Στίχοι:

It’s in the morning when I wake up, they’re burning temples all around.
I can´t believe it but it’s happening, what’s got into them, are they mad?
Who's gonna to stop them, who's gonna make them pay, the price for what they've done

He´s the protector, Oden will slaughter and bring them down
He will save us, Save us and our land
He´s the protector, Oden will slaughter and bring them down
He will save us, Save us and our land

And then later I did find out, who was the cause of all this blood
It was Ansgar who conversed Carl, and made him lose all of his sense.
He didn't save none now, he had to pay with a life for what they done.

He´s the protector, Oden will slaughter and bring them down
He will save us, Save us and our land
He´s the protector, Oden will slaughter and bring them down
He will save us, Save us and our land

And then later I did find out, who was the cause of all this blood
It was Ansgar who conversed Carl, and made him lose all of his sense.
He didn't save none, they have to pay with a life for what they done.

He´s the protector, Oden will slaughter and bring them down
He will save us, Save us and our land
He´s the protector, Oden will slaughter and bring them down
He will save us, Save us and our land

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