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Judas Priest - Living after Midnight (Top of the Pops 1980)

Living after midnight
Rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' till the morning
Then I'm gone, I'm gone

"Βουτιά" στο παρελθόν. 1980, εκπομπή Top of the Pops και οι Judas Priest παρουσιάζουν το τραγούδι "Living After Midnight" από τον δίσκο "British Steel" που κυκλοφόρησε στις 14 Απριλίου εκείνης της χρονιάς...

Band: Judas Priest
Video: "Living After Midnight"

Album: "Living After Midnight"
Type: Single
Release date: March 1980
Label: CBS

Album: "British Steel"
Type: Full length
Release date: April 1980
Label: CBS

Band members:
Rob Halford - Vocals
Dave Holland - Drums
K.K. Downing - Guitars
Glenn Tipton - Guitars
Ian Hill - Bass

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