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Tantrum - Trenton City Murders (teaser)

Band: Tantrum
Country of origin: United States
Location: Groveville, New Jersey
Status: Split-up
Formed in: 1984
Genre: Power Metal
Lyrical themes: Murder, Evil

Cult Metal Classics (δελτίου τύπου): «TANTRUM from New Jersey, had been one of the most qualitative heavy metal bands in the history of 80's metal. They released just 4 songs on vinyl back in 1986 on their legendary EP that was released without a cover artwork, that gained them immortal status among the underground metal circuit.

Their main songwriter and guitar player John Riccio wrote some killer riffs and displayed a great variety in musicianship and along with the powerful singing of Chuck Bird, they marked their status forever in the 80's metal hall of fame along with their label mates at the time HEATHEN'S RAGE.

After spending quite some time to locate the original band members, we take pride in the announcement of this reissue, that will feature the original METAL HYMNS of the EP plus 9 Bonus Songs from the past of the band, including their very first demo with a different singer.

All songs were remastered and they will be released on CD around March, 2016 and on LP a bit later, featuring original fantasy artwork, band photos, interview with John Riccio and lyrics of all songs in a fat 16-page booklet. Get ready to listen to cult classics such as "Shot for shot", "Call of the Beast", "War Games", "Backs to the Wall", "Solid Seven" etc.»

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