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King Heavy - Horror Absoluto

Band: King Heavy
Audio: "Horror Absoluto"
Album: "Horror absoluto"
Type: EP
Release date: May 2014
Label: Independent

Track listing:
1. The Origin of the Witch Hunts 05:27
2. Horror Absoluto 08:39
3. Creation Must Be the Devil 05:33
4. Dreaming of Daylight 09:22

Recorded in May and June 2013 at DM6 Studio
Vocals recorded at The Creative Factory
Produced by King Heavy

All music and arrangements by Daniel, Miguel and Matías
All lyrics and vocal melodies by Luce

Band members:
Daniel Pérez Saa - Bass
Matias Aguirre - Guitars
Luther Veldmark - Vocals
Miguel Canessa - Drums

Miscellaneous staff:
Botarrex - Artwork, Layout, Logo
Pablo Clares - Engineering, Mastering, Recording
Peter Maene - Recording (vocals)

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