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Dark Moor - Gabriel

Band: Dark Moor
Video: "Gabriel"
Produced by: "El Ojo Mecánico"
Concept & Production: El Ojo Mecánico
Director: Oscar Martín
Production Designer: Elena Muñoz

Featuring international horror movie star Javier Botet

Cast: Javier Botet, Ana del Arco, Jaime Torrego, Alfonso Mendiguchía and Patricia Estremera.

Album: "Project X"
Type: Full length
Release date: November 6th, 2015
Label: Scarlet Records
Format: CD, 2CD

Track listing:
01. November 3023 (01:07)
02. Abduction (04:43)
03. Beyond the Stars (04:57)
04. Conspiracy Revealed (03:06)
05. I Want to Believe (04:59)
06. Bon Voyage! (06:18)
07. The Existence (04:06)
08. Imperial Earth (04:30)
09. Gabriel (04:14)
10. There's Something in the Skies (08:04)

2 σχόλια:

  1. Όχι πως ήταν ποτέ τίποτα ιδιαίτερο οι Dark Moor, αλλά τι φλωριά είναι αυτή;


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