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Φάκελος epic doom: Capilla Ardiente

Το συγκρότημα Capilla Ardiente μας έρχεται από την Χιλή (Santiago). Η μπάντα ιδρύθηκε το 2006 κι αρέσκεται στο επικό doom. Πρώτη επίσημη κυκλοφορία το 2009 με ένα ep δύο τραγουδιών ("Solve et Coagula"). Φέτος κυκλοφόρησαν τον πρώτο ολοκληρωμένο τους δίσκο υπό τον τίτλο "Bravery, Truth and the Endless Darkness"...

Band: Capilla Ardiente
Audio clip: "Coagula"
Album: "Solve et Coagula"
Type: EP
Release date: 2009
Label: Independent

Track listing:
1. Solve (part I: Materia Vvlgar, part II: Disolvción) 13:20
2. Coagula (part III: Phoenicopervs, part IV: Coagvlación) 10:46

Band: Capilla Ardiente
Audio clip: "Towards The Midnight Ocean"
Album: "Bravery, Truth and the Endless Darkness"
Type: Full length
Release date: June 2014
Catalog ID: HRR 370
Version desc: 12"
Label: High Roller Records
Format: Vinyl

Track listing: Side A
1. Consequence and Consequences (intro) 02:24 instr.
2. Nothing Here for Me 11:10
3. Towards the Midnight Ocean 10:06

Track listing: Side B
4. Naufragios (interlude) 02:11 instr.
5. They Who Were Lost and Now Are Cursed 10:04
6. Into Unknown Lands 11:27

Band members:
Claudio Botarro Neira - Bass
Julio Bórquez - Guitars
Felipe Plaza Kutzbach - Vocals
Francisco Aguirre - Drums

"Capilla Ardiente" is a phrase in Spanish that means "Burning Chapel", which is the place where the recently deceased receive their funeral (namely, their house, a church or any other specific place), usually lighted by many funeral candles...

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