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Howard, Frazetta, Poledouris σε ένα video

Ένα βίντεο που συνδυάζει ζωγραφική (Frank Frazetta), λογοτεχνία (Robert Howard) και μουσική (Βασίλης Πολυδούρης). Κεντρικό θέμα; Ο Conan! Πόσο πιο επικό; Το βίντεο δημιούργησε κι ανέβασε στην σελίδα του στο you tube ο φέρων το διαδικτυακό ψευδώνυμο Greensouls Soul. Ας αφήσουμε τον ίδιο να μιλήσει για την δημιουργία του:

«A tribute to the great three. Frank Frazetta, Robert E. Howard and of course Basil Poledouris, the genius who created the best movie soundtrack ever written. I choose the best professional and fanwork to my mind. Took me two days to create this. 40 hours. 4 hours sleep and 4 hours some "rest" for my eyes in it. The absolute scary thing about it, no joke!

No picture with his music is there by accident. No easy task with 176 fantastic artworks. The arrangement and selection from a tons of pictures, was even harder to make it harmonious along the way. The only thing I couldn't solve nicely is the "sometimes prob" with the changin music and a tiny audiences noise, but this record of the Filarmónica de Andalucía is far the best I could find for this project... Forgive me that Crom.»

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