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Όταν πρωτάκουσα το "Programmed" (1990) των Lethal ήμουν στο μεταίχμιο να αποθεώσω ή να κράξω. Οι εμφανείς ομοιότητες (ιδιαίτερα στις φωνητικές γραμμές) με τους Queensrÿche προϊδέαζε αρνητικά αλλά από την άλλη η μπάντα "έσταζε" ποιότητα, δεν ήταν κλώνος. (Κάτι που έγινε εμφανέστερο στα δύο επόμενα δισκογραφικά βήματα του συγκροτήματος, αλλά δεν είναι της παρούσης.) Το "Immune" δε, που επιλέχθηκε από την μπάντα ως βίντεο κλιπ είναι από τους ύμνους της σκληρής μουσικής. Όσο για το ρεφρέν, δεν θα βρείτε και πολλά καλύτερα στην ιστορία του heavy metal. Το πρώτο βίντεο είναι το αυθεντικό, πίσω στο μεταίχμιο των δεκαετιών '80 - '90. Το δεύτερο βίντεο είναι από την εμφάνισή τους στο Bang Your Head Festival, πέντε χρόνια πίσω (2007). Η μαγεία παραμένει ζωντανή παρά την φθορά του πανδαμάτορα χρόνου...

You knew I wouldn't answer
When you called me yesterday
For it's getting so much harder
To carry on this way

Did you hear what happened
When I tried to make the news
I thought that we could change the world
No one wanted to

Just for a moment
I had to turn away
And find another point of view
A playback was refused

Halfway through a short life
I tried to stop in mid flight
Condemned to touch the ground
I found myself alone

There was only one exit
My flight was not detected
I just have to rewrite
My restless serenades

Just for a moment
I had to turn away
Who was supposed to feel the shame
When no one would take the blame

It doesn't feel the same
I feel no pain
The world doesn't bother me
I'm immune

Just like a prisoner
I found escape through dreaming
The world keeps turning me
With fate like carousels

I sat in my empty room
I sent out my distress signals
They never could be heard
The walls were closing in

Just for a moment
I had to talk away
Who was supposed to feel the shame
When no one would take the blame

It doesn't feel the same
I feel no pain
The world doesn't bother me
I'm immune
It doesn't feel the same
I feel no pain
The world doesn't bother me
I'm immune

Just for a moment
I had to talk away
Who was supposed to feel the shame
When no one would take the blame

It doesn't feel the same
I feel no pain
The world doesn't bother me
I'm immune
It doesn't feel the same
I feel no pain
The world doesn't bother me
I'm immune
It doesn't feel the same
I feel no pain
The world doesn't bother me
I'm immune

You knew I wouldn't answer
When you called me yesterday

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