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Ένεκα της εθνικής επετείου. Αφού δεν εμπνέονται οι Έλληνες ας θαυμάσουμε τους ξένους που εξυμνούν την δόξα ... των δικών μας προγόνων. Από τον καινούριο δίσκο των SABATON. Τιμή μας...

At Dawn envoy arrives, morning of october 28th
No-day proven by deed, descendants of Sparta, Athens and Crete
Look north, ready to fight, enemies charge from the hills
To arms facing defeat, there's no surrender there's no retreat.

Time after time,
force their enemies back to the line

Call to arms, banners fly in the wind
for the glory of Hellas
Coat of arms reading "freedom or death"
blood of king Leonidas

Air raid pounding the land, bombers are flying both day and night
Endure 6 days of rain dropped by invaders bomrain in vain
Strike hard the tables have turned, drive them back over the hills
At arms just like before, soldiers, civilians, Hellas at war

By their own hand
forced the enemy out of their land

Call to arms, banners fly in the wind
for the glory of Hellas
Coat of arms reading "freedom or death"
blood of king Leonidas

Just like their ancestors ages ago,
fought in the face of defeat
Those 300 men left a pride to uphold:
Freedom or death in effect

Then, now again,
blood of heroes saving their land

Call to arms, banners fly in the wind
for the glory of Hellas
Coat of arms reading "freedom or death"
blood of king Leonidas

4 σχόλια:

  1. Δοξα και τιμη σε οσους θυσιαστηκαν για να ειμαστε εμεις σημερα ελευθεροι. Μακαρι να ειχαμε και εμεις τα @ρχ1δ1@ να κανουμε το ιδιο σημερα !

  2. Δόξα και τιμή και σε όσους ξένους ασχολούνται με το θέμα σε αντίθεση μ' εμάς!!!


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